Tue, 12:17: RT @ jessamyn: Today's algo observation: A search for "beauty" on Giphy returns significantly more diversity than one on Google Images. http…
Tue, 12:45: RT @ mitchclem: "I'm not political" is a very political stance. "I'm not political" means you defer to whoever else has the most power & the…
Tue, 15:40: RT @ bbccomedy: Guys, is dressing provocatively in expensive suits whilst having too much much to drink causing you to get mugged? 🤔 #Trace…
Tue, 19:49: Not quite sure on the best way to assemble the crocheted pieces together for this sweater. Needle and thread seemed… https://t.co/PIfYyO8jbF
Tue, 20:09: Related: there is a small child with a drum stick "helping". I guess a drum stick is similar to a crochet hook. At… https://t.co/rLieDJ9dhv
Tue, 20:44: So close, but one sleeve is 4 rows off from the other one. :/ I think I gotta detach that one and redo it. Then sid… https://t.co/iIlOmyO3Sa
Wed, 07:21: RT @ dodo: This tiny dog picked out the biggest toy in the store - and she's carrying it to the car ALL BY HERSELF. https://t.co/4La3GRKJq8