Sun, 15:59: RT @ Mirandapeake: People of Twitter, can you help? I'm looking for female poets who have written about female friendship. Thanking you in a…
Sun, 15:59: RT @ thingsbydan: My beautiful 4 year old daughter just whispered in my ear "now is the time to cut off your own bum"
Sun, 16:06: It is snowing like powdered sugar and I am so happy. Here's hoping it'll be enough to cover up the grass!
Sun, 20:04: RT @ NajahSalihah: Found out about @ pocintech today and I have to say I love reading their articles and tweets. All my POC in tech should de…
Mon, 09:18: RT @ terryparrisjr: So far we have letters from 34 sens & about 90 representatives. Written your congressperson about ACA, tell us: https://…