Dec 09, 2005 01:07

Nothing is for sure. Senior year is like one big gamble. I like it. It's intense, exciting, sentimental, and yes, still stressful. I just IS.
I hear songs and am thinking about my future, rather then ours now.
It's amazing. Epihpany. Is that even how you spell that? I hope so.
My car broke down in the middle of the highway tonight..and I didn't even care. It got towed and is at the shop..and I dunno why...but it was just my car with it. And I didn't even think twice about it
Saw 2.....good movie. Real good. Mind blow. Twisted. Graphic. Just all around good.
Colby love <3 not the kid.
Basketball is starting!!! Not that it ever ends.
Teacher's aren't always need to start sticking up for themselves more.
I hate math and science and want to be a cardiologist. HA. I love it.
Was at the Beal's the other day....saw Jackie. Not Devin. Not to worry. So good to see her. Just ...I dunno..interesting being there contrasting the last time I was was kind of like..a different sort of happiness.
My digital camera is some what broken.
Lots of work to get done. Boo.
It needs to snow.
I just looked out in my driveway, and thought someone stole my car. And had just written 2 minutes ago about how it got towed and is in the shop.
I'm an idiot.
The Senior semi will be voted on if it's all seniors or not...just too ease everyone's freaking out ness. And honestly guys think about it.. it's called, "SENIOR WEEK" for a reason. Not "Senior week, plus one day it's not" And besides..if it's not all Seniors everyone will bring there boyfriend/girlfriend from a different grade, college, school, blahdiblah, and spend the whole night with them. When the point is to have one last big hoo rah with YOUR CLASS. The kid's you've grown up with. If you honestly have your boyfriend there who barely knows anyone..r u going to talk to anyone you may not have talked to in a while? I think the chances are better if it's just all of us, as a class. I'm not saying I don't understand why people want to bring there boyfriends/girlfriends who are older or younger...but if your second guessing going if you can't..I ask you to re-think that decision. Why waste a great night that could be spent with your class your last week with them ever? Can you really not find fun with all of the friends in your own class you do have?? I ask you to reconsider.
Now that that's covered.
Life would not be possible without cell phones. So many people would be stranded places, die...I don't understand how communication survived without's crazy.
Tired am I.
Bed is it.
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