Home from NERE.

Jul 21, 2009 03:39

...and after my first home-cooked meal in nearly a week, I'm surprised that my body's reacted as violently as it did. Pindi Chana gives me gas. Really bad gas.

Anyway - the NERE wrap-up is overall positive. I usually don't block a lot of downtime at conventions - there's always too much to do and not enough time to do it. In the hustle of getting from game to game to game, I always get too tired and get migraines or overstimulate and get migraines or don't eat and... get migraines. I've learned a valuable lesson this NERE: I need me space - even if it's just 15 minutes in my room, by myself with juice and a cookie. Because half of the problems at the convention were ones that I perceived that may not have even been there in the first place had I not been running on sheer willpower and bitchiness alone.
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