Dec 12, 2005 20:44
life is pretty groovy
went to jersey to visit matt... he is fabulous. maybe a little too fabulous. and i probably shouldn't have told him that mike doesn't/didn't think too fondly of him. i thought it was kind of a joke, but now i kinda fucked things up.
life goes on, cant dwell.
its cold, snow is nice until its slushy... and then it hurts when i smile because my teeth are too sensitive from the cold. im such a dork.
cant wait to go to israel. cant wait to be back in florida. kinda depressed about leaving though. more depressed that everyone is studying abroad next semester. well, not everyone... josh, tiana, ben, jeremy, rachel, nira...
excited for hillel stuff, but nervous about time commitment. really glad iam semi-balancing a life, though, now too. its kinda healthy in some ways.
DICE FOR DARFUR was amazing... 200+ people, casino night, step team, ice cream sundae-bar, hillel chanukah party, darfur advocacy, $2000 raised for ajws & gif = the best event i have ever helped to run. lots to live up to for the coming year in terms of programming though. damn.
if anyone wants to know my semi-final winter plans that actually reads this:
dec 20-25 fla
dec 25-27 nyc
dec 27-jan 5 israel
jan 5-11 fla
jan 11-13 nyc
jan 13-16 upstate ny
jan 17 classes....