Let me paint you a picture.
Tonight... Was one of those nights. It was windy and cold and I had just got back home from work. I was sitting on my couch watching mean girls 2 and I started thinking about how sad I was... So I immediately called my friend Brian and asked him if he wanted hang out. Brian always gets me stoned and tonight was no exception. I am baked, right into the crust.
After watching his netflix for a couple hours I decided to drive home. Now I'm sure many of you know how hard it is to drive super melty stoned. It makes me so nervous. And you have to focus... It's terrible. So already, I was on edge.
This is where my night gets super super weird. Like this was the strangest thing that has happened to me. I can not stress enough how crazy this is. I park my car at the bottom of our driveway, in the street.. Most of you have been to my parents house, so you know that it is the burbs for sure. No woods, just condos behind our house. I get out of my car and I grabbed my bag to take it with me and then close my door and to my surprise, the slam of my door wasnt the only noise I heard. A clack clack clack clack rushed by me. And in front of me.... About ten feet away.... stood a deer. I full deer! A life-size real deer!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was standing by my dads car! And it ran right by me.
Now double the crazy factor because I was stoned! So you can Imagine how terrifying this was for me.... it all feels like a dream right now.
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