May 17, 2004 08:58
Well, now that I'm in school things are better... Mrs. Kaldahl is yelling, she must be stressed out... does the world ever just seem stressed out? Poor Mrs. Kaldahl with a baby and everything. Anyways, this morning I went to buy this smoothie to try and help me have a better day and I set it in my car and well turned and yeah... the smoothie fell all over the car and its a gross mess... that i haven't cleaned up. Worse even... my $3.25 smoothie is gone. Do you know how much money that is for a smoothie?!?!? Man. Oh wow. This morning was good though... in debate we don't do anything and newspaper is my favorite class in the whole world because I can do things like update my journal, write stories, and talk to cool people like colleen, whit, and katie. I just got to do the most amazing thing... informing whitney that you can't divide by zero. Tyler's thinking about popping popcorn... we know that he will even though he's being lazy right now. Today all I have to do is tennis after school and try and figure out some more of my math... maybe Kelly will be able to help me... hmmmm this is when I wish I had an online lover like Colleen because it would give me something cool to do. I think I'm out for now though becuase I can't think of anything exciting to tell you all about my life.... maybe that's because my life is boring. At least I'm not sitting here complaining a ton like I did last time I wrote. I'm feeling a bit better. This morning we had happy homeroom adviser of the year day for Mr. Means. Karen and I brought cookies, nuts, frosted pop tarts, a trophy that we made and a certificate signed by Mr. Lopez. Anyways I want to search around. you know... I really love the font that this computer has (you won't see the same font when you read this cause its different) but these keys feel so cool to type on and the font of this computer looks sooooo cool. Are you bored yet?!?!?!?