Just an Update

Mar 23, 2009 23:03

I don't really know what I'm going to update about, but it seemed like it was about time to update. Ryan (the new man piece) and I are doing really well. We were dating a month on the 17th. We spend weekends together and that seems to be working out really well because we don't see too much of each other. He just got a job that will require a week of training here in Cleveland. Since it would be at least an hour commute from his place he's going to stay with me for a week. That will be interesting, my roomy for a week - yikes. In a good way lol.

Laura and Justin came up this weekend for a quick Cleveland trip, I felt bad that we didn't get to do the flats and go out on the town, but we did go to the Brewery and Justin and Laura took the tour. I didn't really want to go on the tour again, because Beer just isn't that interesting to me, so Ryan and I walked around the block and chilled in the car. Then we came back to my place and played Scrabble. Normally I'm awful at scrabble, just ask Danah, but I won that night! Ryan even told his mom I won, she made a comment that I must be smart if I beat him. I'll take the compliment. But she doesn't need to know that he beats me every time we play just the two of us.

Theres only 4 weeks left of school. That's so crazy! Its almost time to sign up for fall classes, I have no idea what I want to take. I can submit my name for a clinic course, but they're based on a lottery. If I were to get into the class I could do real law practice with DUI cases and abuse cases. Super scary, but I think it would be good for me. That's all that is new with me. What a boring life!
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