is your wife a prostitute?

Sep 28, 2008 13:58

Life has been crazy hectic lately. I think ive finally gotten to that point that Im just so overloaded that I want to scream, but dont have the time to even think about screaming. But I'm busy with good, very civic-minded things, so I really shouldn't complain about my lack of time.

I spent my Friday night at the Cuyahoga County Jail. Registering voters. So much fun! The prisoners were all extremely polite and non-scary. At one point we (Alix, Lindsay and Chris) were standing in a hallway and behind us there were a bunch of prisoners playing basketball behind plexi glass. We walked in and the game stopped and they all started yelling and flexing and showing up, so we were kinda like "omg dont look, youre gonna see penis" haha and then one of them started banging on the glass, and our guard came flying over and started to yell at him, but it turned out the poor guy just wanted to vote! we all felt bad haha. So we did a good deed and signed up a bunch of Obama supporters, (we would assume) with the exception of one nazi who had a swastika on his arm. Charming.

I spent my Saturday morning on the Westside helping a refugee family from Somalia apply for their green card. They were a family of 7, and the paperwork, although it wasnt confusing was just very involved. ONly the husband spoke English and I feel like he understood most of what we were saying. BUt the questions on these applications were completely ridiculous. We had to ask this man if his wife was a prostitute or if he has even bought a prostitute, it was just a really unconformatable moment. Then we had to ask if his wife had more than one husband. He laughed and said "no, i would beat her!" Outside of that moment he was a really nice guy haha. There were also realyl quality questions such as, are you a spy, are you here to overthrow the government. Honestly, who would answer yes to that question? All of the paperwork took about 3 hours, But i felt like it was a wonderful way to spend my Saturday morning.

In other news Im now in Case Endnotes- an a capella group for the law school, the first of its kind. Im also doing a research project for a law firm in Ithaca which is taking up most of my extra time.

Back to work!
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