I haven't upped.

Sep 03, 2005 11:21

I haven't upped in a while.

School has started. Very Harsh. My classes are pretty entertaining most of the time.

Before School I go to Rachel's and her mom makes us breakfast. It's amazing. Wed we had Cinnamon Rolls, Thurs we had pancakes. Talk about 5 star treatment. You're jealous.

1st - French II ... Zane and I just keep it real, sometimes Matt feels like keeping it real with us.

2nd - AP Gov ... I sit behind Chris. I'll keep it at that lol. Chris is usually poking fun @ Jill and Jill keeps it real with Amanda Rose, Bree, Adia, Melissa, Saad, Gabriele, Ann, and lots of fun lads.

3rd - Chem ... I talk acrossed the room to Abbie, Melissa, Adia and Gabbie. And Jenn sits right by me so I keep it real with her too. We're doing a Neon movie on the Oprah show. It's gonna be kick ass and you're going to be jealous. I know. Oh and I can see Chris acrossed the hall and I taunt and poke fun @ him bc he's in Calculus. Muahaha.

4th - Honors English ... Mr. Dziuk is a big boy. Big. Big. Boy. At least thats what Jor and I have established. Me and him keep it real because we're sweet and sit next to eachother. And sometimes Vee and Melissa like to keep it real with us while Amanda Wargo and company give us scary looks because they start to realize that Dziuk is a big boy. I wonder if he works out ... We all failed his EF test. yay.

5th - Sociology ... LC is like behind me sort of and we keep it real fa sho (ya know what im sayin ya know haha), Addison and Boudro sit behind me, Stevenson in front of me, Lucas on the other side of the class room, and mix in a few hard core-ees and some quiet people and you have my 5th hour. It's a blast I'm not gonna lie. Mr. Schmitdiell thinks he's so sweet haha.

6th - Honors Precalc ... I feel like I'm at marching band practice when I go to this class. Mr Ceo : "Anyone do anything fun this summer" ... 34 hands skyrocket to the ceiling and they start chanting "BAND CAMP BAND CAMP" ... apparantly it was like this for every class though so while me Amanda Gabriele Wargo and some other kids keep it real, we try not to be scared. Mr. Ceo's a good looking guy. Snaps for him.

After school generally Rach and I run out to the car and try to get out of AB as fast as possible.

That's a typical school day. Yeah it's a handful.


Alright ... so ... I guess I'll just go with last night? Yesterday I woke up at 9 because Abbie called me. I would've killed anyone else who did that but not Abbie because I love her. We talked for a while, I fell back asleep, layed out, slowly got ready, and then my dad picked me up because my aunt was getting married? ... idk when the divorce was, idk when this all happened.

We got there, went to the chapel, did Mass and everything, then went to the ball room and got some grub mmm. Jenna and I danced the entire night. It was fun. Got home around 1 ... Dario and Jor as I see it I love you both ya know what I'm sayin.

Woke up this morning to Chrisoph Michelle calling me.

I'm probably going to lay out for a while and then I work from 4-close I believe. Yayyyy.

Later hoes.

I miss Stef & Abs they're gone. =(
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