Its not band, its orchestra!!!! W.e its all for losers. Haha Brooke, that wuz hilarious.

Nov 02, 2004 15:59

School Today.
PE, supposed to watch Radio but no I didnt, i "studied" , haha ya right. Katie bought me sum cookies. <3
Lowes, learned about cartoons. Missy said her faveo wuz Beauty and The Beast, haha ppl were laughin @ her. Kherre didnt know the answer to a question, Mr. Lowe wuz dissapointed.. I yelled "slacker" at her.
Wenzel, Had the easiest quiz. Oh jeeze, that persons underoos were hangin out again. Eep. Me and Nastassia were cracking up. I drew my picture. Man Toes. And wuts her face with the tight shirt. LMAO... ahhh wut an awesome class. John h. thought i wuz lookin at his ass today, but ew no. And haha me and curly haired John wrote Nader all over the back board, cuz we're saweet like that. Hah.
Sox, we're sill doing these perpective drawing, which i only get when being told exactly wut to do, its confusing.
Lunch, lil church boy wuz telling me not to cuss, oh i think not. Nastassia did the "smell test" on the other table lmao. Told Aaron that Missy and Kherre liked him. HA! Yep Yep.
Thomas, Hadda sub so everyone wuz attackin crazii. Adam hadda come in and calm us down. Sumone shouted out sumting about him being gay and he heard, ahh thats not nice. I gotta get my folder back from Shalana tommorow, she wuz using it to put it in order... i wrote this so i dont forget.
Murray, Everyone wuz throwing candy at Snowy. And Chris(worthy) wuz telling the teacher that he wuz eating it off the ground, and the teacher wuz like uhh i dont see any, and he wuz like CUZ HE ATE IT ALL!!! .. haha. Yea, we learned sum stuff too.

I still need to go to CVS to get the rest of my homecoming/camp/school pictures...

<33 Jillian
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