May 31, 2005 22:30
Wow. Today was just, amazing. Sumed up into one word. I just cannot get over the game we just played... What a terrific way to end the season. It was like it was from a book, or a cup game. Playing Central, school rival, season depending on a win, we win, we advance in districts, lose, and our seasons done. End of regulation 0-0. End of two 15 minute overtimes 0-0. After 2 hours of soccer. 5 penalty kicks. Both teams. Caitlyn, Amazing Job. Chelsea, Cristie, T, Banas, Amy... Amazing Job. 3-3 Last PK, Central wins, ending it 4-3. Just a perfect way to end a perfect season. It was awesome.
And Amanda McKenzie, you are offically my idol, and thanks again for the shirt. You pretty much made the day only a million times better, love you.
"You were the best thing and worse thing to ever happen to me, all rolled up into one."