hows it going?
ocean colour scene was amazing...jst coz it was a total guy gig so u could jump bout and be sweaty and its cool!
OCS wer actually so good, we lost heather so me and anita boosted down the front jst coz...there kept being wee gaps! then anita chatted up this guy AND his son AND didnt realise ahahahaha, what a hussy.
so aye, anita went home coz shes a gaaaayboy...
me and heather went to, firewater? campus? firewater! it was such a good night actually, pure old times big time!!!
cept im sick of firewater...always end up there in ggow...
i wanna go to the art school, or abc! never been to them.
the next day i was working...till 10. :( horrible day...i was so drunk in uni..
actually that wasnt a horrible day..
me and heather had thee funniest train ride coz we'd only stopped drinkin for like, 3 hours? so we wer still steamin and on the train with the businessmen...we read the metro...
the stars wer so silly.
on the thursday, it was meant to the be THEE uni night out...
ended up being me donna emma and daaaave!
but it was such a good night :)
wee pub crawl...
went to todds, nice n sleazys mosquito, kushion, the wee bar, brick, revolution, that place beside the garage, a few other places that iv forgotten! but ended up at the garage...
met ppl from work n stuf :) was probably one of the best nights out in ggow!!
then emma got a bit, unwell...so we got her oota there!
goood timess.
went bk to daves flat...he put on porn and we ate strawberries...
then me and donna got a taxi bk to hers and had a bit of toast and a cup of tea and went to bed :)
her house was pure, amazing...in clarkston.
DID YOU KNOW...theres a SYNAGOGUE in GIFFNOCK and they call it "EH GOGGY!" ahahahhaa. posh ppl are so silly.
so then xmas, falalala. santa was the usual...envelopes, etc.
but i gave phil one of my orthosis' aka leg bracket thing...it was a quality wine holder btw!!!
i got a jack dee hip flask & a pedometer. oh yeaaah.
went to church on xmas morning too...total grand entrance a.k.a we wer late so big rob was like "let us pray" and we strolled in so it was like *silence, tumble weed* then us creaking into a seat!
had a real good night out with the girls on the thursday after xmas i think it was....
went to the jasmine then drinks then wave then nitemares lol.
got 'zander's number...a.k.a the fat 40 yr old bald man behind the bar at nitemares...am i lookin THAT good these days? i think so.
NEW YEARS was amazing. i loved every minute of it, actually...not i didnt. a few minutes wer full of rage but it was mostly an amazing night...
had everyone up here at one point or another...
bout 50 ppl at 4am....and that was it quieter so that was nice.
SO much booze left over, fantastic.
since then iv been trying to study for my exam on tuesday...so fingers crossed it goes okaay.
went to my gran and grandpas house tonight, trying to tidy it out...
my mum asked if i wanted any of my grans ornaments or anything...so i now i have 9 lovely shot glasses :) im well going to hell.
also gettin their "queen" bed...its like bigger than a single but smaller than a double? i loved it as a wee girl so its mine & a set of drawers...1940's furniture? nae bother.
tomoro night im headin out glasgow for zeems bday...cant wait :)
everyones headin out!
LOUISE: you workingg? might get everyone to come n see yee!
so anyways, i cant wait till januarys over, or at least till the 25th so i get paid.
january is such a depressing month init?!!
also, so excited for TITP and summber in general....
roll on 2008 :) x