May 22, 2006 10:08
So, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for annoying people. And you know what? People everywhere annoy me. A lot.
How hard is it to be polite? I don't find that it takes an inordinate amount of time to say "Excuse me," or even "Were you next in line?" Put your shopping carts in the shopping cart space. I swear I'm going to time myself to see if it does in fact take longer than 1 minute to get it there and be back in my car.
Is there a reason you must pace the car right next to you, and the two of you drive ten miles below the speed limit? Perhaps, since you are both so enamored by that speed, you should drive in the same lane and let others who are actually trying to get somewhere utilize the other lane. And that way, we can drive the speed limit, too.
Shut up. Do you not see that the person next to you is trying to participate in the conversation going on with the group? And if someone tries multiple times to draw you in to the conversation, join in! And, here's a novel idea, listen to what other people are saying! Don't interrupt to talk about only yourself, and about a topic that has nothing to do with anything we've been talking about! Set the person next to you free.
How hard is it to educate one's self? Especially in today's age with the internet, spin really should not be as effective as it is. Look into things! Listen to people you think you don't agree with! Keep an open mind! Understand that if someone changes their position on something, that might mean they've matured, or thought about it more and realize they were wrong!
Why do people feel the need to belittle others? In public?
Don't assume I am not smart. Or that you know more than me just because you've worked hard to learn. So have I. I may be blonde, I may be female, I may exhibit diztiness from time to time. But I do, in fact, have a very high IQ. And that's with bad spacial skills.
I am, of course, perfect in every way and have never, ever done anything remotely annoying. Ever. OK, maybe once or twice.