Yay!! Ok, so... I wore my jersey and makeup and shiz to skewl today... You would not believe how many people I heard loudly talking behind my back about Ben's touchdown. Well, to all of those people let me point this stuff out...
-If they had actually seen where the ball was in relation to the white line while it was in the air (his arm was over it) and it wasn't at all on top of the white line (when he was still in the air) -and they had decided that it was conclusive enough to overrule the calling- they would have still gotten a field goal and won. Because Jeff Reed doesn't usually miss... Because the score would have been 17-10.
-If the Steelers had been forced to get a field goal on the play instead of a touchdown and the Seahawks managed to actually not miss 2 field goals, the Steelers still would have won 17-16.
One of the deciding plays really was the trick play where Randle El threw the ball for a touchdown. I've seen them use similar plays a few times, and they get talked about a lot. I knew they were gonna use one this game, but I don't think the Seahawks were ready for it. They got all confused and whatnot. But, I think that's the play that really sealed the win and set a tempo. I think Randle El should have gotten MVP for that play. It's nice to have players with multiple talents. :)
And the Seahawks were acting like poor sports the whole game anyway. I mean, I swear there was one play where one of the Steelers were already down (I think it was Randle El) and one of the Seahawks players freakin jumped on him, but nobody called it. And one of em got a *really* cheap shot in the back at Ben, but it seemed like nobody noticed. It was pretty obvious that they were trying to injure him... Plus, after Ben got the td and the Seahawks' coach was walking off the field he was freakin blaming the fact that they were losing on the referees. Well, how about not pointing fingers and just trying to be a better sport about it, huh? Not very sportsmanlike. :/
I'm not trying to be like "in your face, we won" at any Seahawks fans. (Though I really don't believe such a group of people existed until this season.) But, I was just getting so annoyed at people today whining and bitching. Get over it. Gawd. >.> If the team they have now is really meant to do well, they'll be able to make it back to the playoffs next year. They're still a young team anyway; they were started in like the 80s, right?? In comparison to the Steelers having been around since 33 (as the Pirates, then 41 (41, right?) as the Steelers). So, yeah, they'll have another chance.
And, I mean, really... People try to act like the Seahawks are like not matched up well vs the Steelers, acting like the Seahawks were underdogs or something... But like... The Steelers got to the playoffs on a *wildcard*, they weren't even at the top of the AFC North. But they managed to beat out the Colts (everyone's pick for the Superbowl), the Bengals (who played surprisingly well this year), and the Broncos (who came out of nowhere with a much better playing version of Jake Plummer). So, they earned the right to get into the Superbowl, but people were *still* doubting them. I don't really think many people thought they would win because of how they played in the actual season, people just hoped they would win. I didn't even do any kind of trash-talking or anything before the game because, in my opinion, it could have gone either way.
Well, then look at the NFC... Does anybody even remember who made it to the playoffs for the NFC? Uhmm... The Panthers?? C'mon, the only team people were really thinking of for the NFC was pretty much the Seahawks. The Seahawks had an easy stroll into the Superbowl this year.
So, the best of one division vs the team nobody thought would even make it to the Superbowl. Yeah... Sounds unfair... Towards maybe the Steelers. The team who, some people would even say, got there by luck. So, if the Seahawks lost to the Steelers, then that's just how it is. And it was a good game anyway. Actually, I think the Steelers kinda play rubber-bandish. I think once they get a feel for who they're playing against, it seems like they play about as well as that team and the game goes until the very last minutes.
I don't think a lot of people thought they would actually win, I'm sure a lot of people lost money on it. But, like I've been saying all season, we've got heart. :3
Oh, btw, my computer's still not fixed. There's something srsly wrong with it. >.>
-Oh yeah, check out this screenshot that Tyler took. He saw it on the actual front page of Yahoo. He says the whole first quarter of the game they had Denver displayed as the other team in the Superbowl. haha See, nobody believe the Steelers would go, even after they were already there. Even after they put a picture of Ben on the page.