Happy 2013!

Jan 01, 2013 00:00

Happy New Year everyone!  I can't say it's been a terribly exciting or earth-shaking year for me - still working at Chapters bookstore, still trying to get my degree and failing at the whole turning-in-assignments-thing.  Notable events include:

- The Canucks didn't make the playoffs (again) and no one is surprised.  Also NHL lockout.
- Worked on my cooking 'skills' and made attempts at a vegetable garden (with mixed success). 
- Went on an a long camping/roadtrip around the province in an un-airconditioned car in 40C weather (and had a good time despite that). 
- Missed out on the cool solar eclipse and Venus transit due to shitty weather. 
- Joined Pinterest, and valiantly resisted all attempts to get me to sign up for a Facebook account. 
- Completely buggered up my laptop by spilling tea on it. 
- Didn't finished my reading list, though I put a pretty big dent in it - of course I also have a gazillion more books to put on it.  Perils of working in a bookstore.
- Saw some awesome movies (Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, Skyfall) 
- Turned into an utter nerd for Game of Thrones and had my childhood obsession with all things Tolkien re-awakened.

Here's hoping 2013 is better (or at least less boring).  And there'll be no New Year's resolutions for me this time, as I suck at keeping them and maybe this year I can use a kind of reverse psychology on myself.  ;)

my so-called life

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