Dec 19, 2008 23:42
Ugh, I hate winter, particularly this winter. My life just seems so miserable right now. I get cold so easily and right now the weather has decided it will be absolutely shitty with constant winds and -20 degree temperatures, and of course I have no car so I either walk or freeze my ass off waiting for the bus. I also looked at some of my marks today and let's just say I'll probably be retaking some of my classes before I graduate (read: even longer until I can get my degree. Huzzah). A good portion of my Christmas shopping still needs to get done, so I suppose I'll have to brave the madness at the Mall sometime soon - not like I have the time or inclination. And to top everything off I'm not even sure I'll have a place to stay come January! Argh!
I wish I could go into hibernation like a marmot or a bear and just sleep the season away. Just wake me up when spring finally gets here, please.
ranty mcrant,