Title: Peregrine
Fandom: Beast Wars
Tables: Weather
Prompts: #4 Sun
Rating: G
Character(s): Airazor (aka Wing Saber)
Summary: A look at Airazor's life prior to the events of Beast Wars
Notes: This is my interpretation of pre-Beast Wars Airazor (aka Wing Saber) inspiration for which was, once again, taken from the BW prequel comic 'Dawn of Future's Past'. It's an awesome comic and the Airazor/Tigatron bits made me squee with joy, go read it if you can get ahold of it.
per·e·grine (Definition)
1. Foreign; not native; extrinsic or from without; exotic; alien.
2. Roving or wandering; migratory.
Peregrine falcon, a courageous and swift falcon (Falco peregrinus), remarkable for its wide distribution over all the continents
The light of even a foreign sun was welcome to Wing Saber after having spent so much time in deep space. She checked her chronometer; she was right on time for the delivery. Maybe if she got business wrapped up quickly with the colony leaders she’d have a bit of time to get out and stretch her legs before returning to space.
She mentally counted the number of different systems she’d visited in the course of her (admitedly rather sort) life. Including this one it was thirty-seven in total - though she’d been to many of them more than once. That made thirty-seven different suns that she’d seen.
Other Maximals tended to shake their heads at her. Perhaps it was some quirk of programming but Maximals as a race tended to be homebodies, some of them spending their whole lives without seeing the light of any sun but their own. They looked upon explorers and nomads like herself with a combination of fascination and distrust. What was a young, intelligent female like her doing wandering the galaxy alone in a small, rather beat-up ship, delivering supplies to Cybertron’s most far-flung colonies? Why was she risking her life when her skills could so easily be turned towards being a productive member of society?
Wing Saber always laughed off their concerns; even at a young age she’d been a wanderer at spark and her relentless desire for exploration and adventure had driven her creators half mad. As an adult, if she stayed too long in one place she started to get restless and a feeling similar to claustrophobia entered her processors. So it was always with a sense of relief that she stepped back onto the Chromia 10. There was an understanding between her and the Chromia, only Wing Saber knew her way around the light freighter’s temperamental systems and only she was able to coax the ship to perform that much better.
They were the perfect team and Wing Saber was firmly convinced they could handle anything that came their way. They didn’t need anyone else. But, she reflected as she turned the freighter onto the final, guided approach to the landing pad, some company once in awhile wouldn’t go amiss. It might be nice for once to have some other Cybertronian by her side who actually understood her wanderlust and didn’t seek to try and bind her wings.