Oh, Happy Day

Feb 21, 2009 17:02

What a great way to spend my mid-semester break - by being sick with the flu! >:(

Anyways, to entertain myself from my sickbed I went cruising on Blogspot (blame papercrownqueen ) and found these quizes:

You Are Made Of Intellect, Brilliance, and Dignity

3 parts Intellect

2 parts Brilliance

1 part Dignity

And a Splash of Friendship

Shake vigorously

What's the Recipe for Your Personality?

Your Celebrity Boob Twin:

Paris Hilton

Who's Your Celebrity Boob Twin?
Ewwww! Do. Not. Want!

You Are 50% British

Congrats, mate. You're are probably British.

(If not, definitely Australian. Or Kiwi. Or Canadian.)

You enjoy most aspects of mainstream British culture, without being stereotypical about it.

You also have a typical British temperament. You wouldn't dream of being impolite.

How British Are You?
Guilty as charged. *is Canadian*

You Were An Evil Undertaker.

Where You Lived: Peru.

How You Died: Suicide.

Who Were You In a Past Life?


lol, meme, sick day, quiz, urgh

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