(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 18:33

Hey I got a call from The AMC. I have an interview on monday. OH GOD A JOB. MONEY. IT WILL BE AWESOME TO BUY THINGS I HAVE NEEDED FOREVER LIKE A NEW BRA and things I have merely wanted like a DS Lite. Wish me luck.

I also got a really unexpected package from Liz- an Anne Bonny action figure. Thank you!<3

Having achieved a perfect game...friday? Saturday? (actually, minus a few wallpapers. I don't know what I'm missing or how, but it might have to do with importing data from mutation, outbreak and quarantine) I took in a shit load of games to Gamestop and traded them in for a shiny new copy of Volume 2...with $21 left over towards my reservation for Phantom Hourglass. WIN. Some I probably shouldn't have given up, but I'm awful at them and they don't really do anything for me (LOZ GBA, LOZ: Link to the Past GBA) some I've played so many times and played so thoroughly I just can't justify playing again (Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Golden Sun 1&2) and some I just can't fucking look at without feeling this small twinge of disgust (KH:Chain of Memories, Final Fantasy X, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the SPirits). So I got Vol 2 on saturday. And beat it today.

I love the fake internet. It's like the real internet, only more funny because it's a parody and not so frighteningly real.

Game wise, there were little tweaks that made it INFINATELY more tolerable, particularly the radars to help find people and lucky animals to complete sidequests.

As thooughly as I've been dicking around on the dothack wikia*, I did not know Alkaid was going to "die", and it really pisses me off, because I love Alkaid. I love Alkaid So. Much. She is the one redeemable female in this series. And I love her. The end.

* As usual, wikis are never a completely accurate source of information. The wiki says Sora and Haseo are played by the same kid, but I've seen a lot of debate over it, and in the interest of avoiding violent spoilers, I've always looked away. It is, of course, fitting - Sora had a particularly nasty encounter with Skeith in SIGN and was freed in .hack//Outbreak, and Haseo's Avatar is Skeith, much as Endrance's (who is obviously and undeniably Elk) is Macha. I wouldn't object to the idea, as I was always a little fond of Sora even if he was a treacherous, immature asshole.

Speaking of love.

Gaaaaaaaay. He's so gay. He redefines gay. And it's fabulous. I would love him so much if his voice wasn't so completely obnoxious.

And in that vein, I love this series because it's always been particularly true in terms of characters. I've been known to whine about games lacking diverse characters, particularly gay characters, just someone I can relate to. So far, this series alone has Endrance (gay agorophobic), Hiiragi (ubergay and a drag queen to boot), Sakubo, a boy with multiple personalities (this hasn't become evident yet, but that's either because a) it comes to fruition in volume 3 or b) it comes out through email with I have had zero luck with because Saku freaking hates me and Bo replies with single liners that I can't reply to. Upping Sakubo's affection is a nightmare because I have to do twice as much shit for the same character, and neither of the personalities are very easy to please. But there're always hints:Saku taking over during a quest and Bo having no recollection of it) plus your plethora of middle-school, high-school and college students, net-junkies, juvenile delinquents, suicidal teenagers and the odd old guy with nothing better to do. It's a pretty accurate sampling of my online friends, actually.

Having finished the main story, there's a LOT more to do now, as sidequests and collections were unusually difficult during the initial playthrough, particularly since the fields and dungeons have suddenly got really obnoxious with warp points.

Not nearly enough to hold me over until the next volume though.

And for the record, Zomie!Bulmung and Zobie!Orca are no where NEAR as awesome as Zombie!Kite. Not even close. But then I was never particularly attatched to either of them. Balmung always had a massive stick up his ass (lolz) and I could never get past Orca's hideous character model (which I could barely tolerate on Bear). I always loved Kite, though. <3

(If they refered to Orca as "the Naked Guy" one more time I was going to put my controller through the screen.)

video games, lol fake internet

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