I'm a little late for the Supergirl meme, but Jess mentioned it and hinted I should do it so hey.
For what it's worth, I can count the S-shield titles I've read on ONE HAND. I've read a few Superboys, from back when his name was Kon and he was made of WIN, one Supergirl, because it had the Teen Titans, and a book called Superman for the Animals, because it came bundled with an issue of Impulse. So for all I know, there's some Holy Kryptonian Commandment stating that Kal must look like a total heel, Kon like a street thug, and Kara like a whore at all times.
And while we're on the subject of superheroes, let me divulge that I have been reading stacks of Wonder Woman trades, and I am madly in love. It blows my mind that I've never actually read any WW save the first three from the new series. I've read all of Rucka's run and the first three of Perez's. Perez is good, but I rather prefer Rucka because I like the
"modern" olympians and becuase I have a super secret crush on
Io (I mean,