Louise, what am I going to do with you? Kitty with an attitude

Apr 16, 2011 21:09

Calicoes and their attitudes!
Lulu has a bad reputation with Pet Smart--AGAIN
In California, she scratched a groomer. Even though she was up to date on shots and stuff (not that they asked for them), I later found out the groomer was sent to the doctor. The girl was okay. Next time I came in, she happened to be on and refused to deal with Lulu. So I started going to Petco (or the vet if they were open). I am able to help hold her to keep her from scratching She could hiss all she wanted.

Thelma is a different story. She is so chill. You could probably even polish her nails. For the most part, she is scared of her own shadow.

Lulu is a lovable cat-a total social butterfly. When people come over she comes up and expects to be petted. She will jump in your lap and snuggle. When she has to go to the vet or to get her nails trimmed, she becomes the Cat From Hell. The vet said, "well, it is the pretty ones that always cause trouble". At the vet, I made sure to put in her chart, "use caution"

For her first trim since I moved to Iowa, I took Thelma and Louise to the nearest vet. Surprisingly, Lulu was very well behaved!
The vet closes at 11 am on Saturdays. Note to self: I need to bring their records over to the clinic. I woke up late today.

So since, I knew where Pet Smart was located, I took them over there. First time ever, they asked for shot records. Thankfully, I never took them out of the carrier when we flew them from California to here. They did Thelma first. No problem

Lulu-problem. Pure Diva. She hissed and scratched me. I asked if I was allowed to hold her and they said no. Poor cat was surrounded by dogs getting groomed. She pretty much has never been around dogs. She kept hissing. The groomer refused to work with Lulu and was snotty about it. I usually tip VERY well. I didn't tip them. I just paid for the trim and went about my business.

I could have sworn I saw a Petco. It was in the adjacent shopping center. They let me hold her and trimmed her nails with NO problem. The tip I was intending to give to the groomer for both cats at Petsmart went to the groomer at Petco for Lulu's service. So I know where I will go from now on if I can't get to the vet


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