Dr. Appointment today (funny in a way)

Feb 17, 2011 23:26

I had an appointment at 2:30. They took me back, did vitals and all that. I was down 7 pounds (WOOT). While I was waiting for the doc to come in to the room, I decided to get on LJ and check updates from friends (it was taking her a long fucking time)
There was an update from bamber_news
There were 4 new head shots of Jamie Bamber. I need to use a bad pickup line to describe them:
"Baby, are you a parking ticket? Because you have FINE written all over you!"

Well, they take my BP and it is elevated! For fucks sake, I have drool coming down my chin, yo! So, it is Jamie's fault my BP was up

Jamie is a little short for my taste, but I am willing to overlook that
Coming from a woman who only dated tall men (6ft or over, the taller the better) before I met my husband. Tall men still turn my head
Ben is still my boy, but Jamie is looking damn hot.

You know I might have to icon these pics
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