Oct 05, 2004 01:29
i saw that play. absolutely breathtaking, beautifully written. the actress was playing 24 different characters, little girl, white, black, male, female, which were all believable. i wanted to bawl b/c i cud connect with it. since it talked about apartied in south africa. she did a great job. im still tryin to work on my monologue. this always happens, in the beginning, im shaky about it, and i feel i suck and cant identify with the character, then i become the person, and do a good job. but seriously, im questioning something....how do u know if ur really good at something? like if u truly know that ur the best at something or ur good at wut u do. and if one person tells u ur great, thats their opinion, and everyone has a difference of opinion cuz the next person can say that u possibly suck. so u never really know...or do u? (someone help me with this)
...im lonely and stressed by not doing anything. im tired and i wanna go home. im bored...with like life.