Max(imum) Infant Raaaar!!

May 15, 2008 21:14

So my sister decided Maxwell was better than Maximillian. Never mind. They did decide his Imaginary, Not-Even-Remotely-Cool Middle Name is Darren, so as far as this aunt is concerned, his middle initial stands for Danger. This will help him make friends, and later help him make friends that are girls, I'm sure.

Teeny tiny!

Max and I. Contrary to appearances, I am not trying to suck out his breath.

Pretty damn cute. Max is likely to grow up to be a Pretty Boy, since he bears quite a resemblance to my younger sister at birth. This will also help him make friends, and later help him make friends that are girls. I wish I had some baby photos of Meg to compare here, because it really is a tad uncanny.

From left to right: Daddums, Max and Mummy. AKA Mark, the spawnling, my sister Meg. They say, "Hi, Internets!".

I don't know if you can see the likeness, but it's there. Especially when he started pulling pouty faces, and grinning from wind. The sleeping, not so much, but then I rarely watch my sister in her sleep. That would be creepy.

I can fit his entire torso in my left hand. His head fits in the right.

He was dead to the world the whole time we were there, a very deep dreamy sleep. Moved around a lot, which meant I got to feel all the pieces of his skull shifting around minutely under his scalp. Very trippy. He also demonstrated his lineage by sleeping through all photography, three different laps, a dropped metal tray, several phones and one other screaming infant. All things of which I, his mother and his grandmother are all more or less capable.

Speaking of my mum, I held him for about twenty minutes before she started to get what young people refer to as "the shakes".
My mother. She wears purple like I wear black, right down to the hair. My mother is very cool, but out of her mind for an entertaining portion of the time. Now you all know where I get it from. My mum also gets mindbogglingly clucky around newborns, something that I thankfully have not inherited. Note the vice-like grip.

I think this is the longest post pertaining to my family that I have ever made.


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