
Nov 07, 2007 22:05

I just had the best day.

I worked all day, a full nine-hour shift, but I actually worked all day. I had stock flowing in for November all day, including some customer orders I'd been awaiting and what works out to be about 6 grand in toys. Toys! Apparently, that many toys warrants a celebration, because the distributor chucked in a couple of crates of wine, too. According to Metal Minon (AKA the previous manager), they send them out each year in November for Christmas giveaways, but due to some restrictions in the Liqour Licensing Act we are forbidden from handing them out. Naturally, then next logical course of action is to give 'em to the staff. Staff like me! Now I just need someone to tell me whether the 2005 Lisa McGuigan Tempus Two semillion sauvignon blanc is any good, and I'm set. Of course, free wine is always good wine.

I also tagged, priced and shelved about a hundred magazines*, sold some stuff and cleaned my shop. In there somewhere I managed to find time to read this week's New Scientist, which gave mention to my most beloved "teh". The day just flew. Furthermore, I have the day off tomorrow, with the MM doing my open for me tomorrow, since I closed for her today. She is pretty metal.

Then I had the pleasure of walking home in the rain. I got to the sushi minion on the way home with heaps of time, made the early bus home and spotted a Frogmouth just chillin on an electrical cable over Swann Road. I looked at it, and it may have thought about possibly looking at me. I don't care. It was beautiful. And then when I thought my night could get no better, I came home to this on my doorstoop.

My day was so full of win that it is starting to compress under the pressure of its own awesomeness that I am left with a 100k diamond of solid shining win.

That is how good my day was.

Probably Not Safe For Your Work Tidbit: Oh, and if you find such things interesting, Gia Paloma, previously the most horse-faced performer in adult, has given herself a makeover. She is pretty smokin' these days. It would seem all that fake tan and peach lipstick were hiding one killer SEG. Though she recently shaved her head. What is it with gash-flashing celebrities and the baldness, eh?(3rd pic down)

tfps, woot!

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