T H E ♠ R U L E S
Every community has its own set of rules. This one is no different, and in this section we'll be going over those with a fine toothed comb. Most of them are common sense or common courtesy to other players, though. Don't fear them~
• No OOC drama. No one likes it and no one wants it. If you have a problem with someone please:
a) keep it to yourself
b) talk it out with the other person(s) involved
c) bring it to a mod if you need a mediator. Remember that role playing is supposed to be fun! :)
• No godmoding or powerplay. It's just not cool. You want to do something to someone elses character? Ask them first.
• Activity; Post at least once a month, though players are encouraged to interact as much as they can. Character blogs and comments are but just one way of doing this, and probably the easiest.
• Stay in character as much as possible. Yes, you're given the ability for creative interpenetration, just make sure its within the character's personality to do what you want. Tezuka handing out posies while smiling and humming a tune is not exactly within his personality to do. Just as an example.
• Be open-minded. This is a Yuri, Het, and Yaoi friendly community. There is no love like loving others.
• There is a character limit of three (3) per person. Choose wisely. And don't drop a character just to take a new one.
• ALL mature content is to be cut and member locked when posting logs. There is no exception to this rule.
• You're allowed up to one month of hiatus time, which can be extended so long as you talk to the mod.
• The mods reserves the right to add or remove rules to this list should the need to arise. Please don't say "I didn't know" if this happens, because the mod will post if/when changes to rules are made and what they are through the ooc community.