You can call me Sofia here. I'm an Indonesian-born girl, Jakarta to be exact, who is currently living in the US.
I open this account honestly just because I'm recently hooked on Arashi and this is the largest base for all kinds of Arashi informations in English. I almost want to leave this account with zero entry, but I guess it will make people suspicious of me. I respect the rule of Arashi LJ community to not distribute their subbed videos or their other works outside of the community. I download them merely for my own entertainment and because I want to know more about Arashi, since I don't know any Japanese.
If you ask me why I love Arashi, honestly, I don't know what to answer. I've always loved Japan cultures, but never interested in their idols culture, until now. Of course, there are more talented bands/singers/dancers/actors out there, but I can't take my eyes of them. I love them as a group, that's why I'm having a hard time choosing my ichiban. In my opinion, they all have their appealing sides, which I wish would be available as one guy (impossible, I know).
[IMAGINATION WARNING] I would like Aiba to be my prince and brings me 100 white roses on my birthday. I think he's so perfect in his white-gold prince cosplay. As a boyfriend, I'll choose Sakurai. Wouldn't it be amazing if I could wake up to that cute face every morning? I'll force Ninomiya to wear his cute clothes and accompany me to go to trendy places in Tokyo, such as Harajuku or Shibuya. I'd like to travel the world with Matsujun. He'll probably bring more luggage than me though (lol). And lastly, Ohno is my idol. He's like that precious crystal glass you own and put inside a display cabinet. You'll never want to use it in case you might break it. Seeing him in person might be the death of me. Mostly I admire his singing voice which is best for ballad songs. I never know how to enjoy ballad before in my life and certainly there are stronger male voices than Ohno (Nat King Cole is my no.1), but his voice makes me smile everytime I hear it.
To bring this almost creepy entry about 5 guys to an end, I love Arashi because they make me smile. I don't know how long it will last, but I will enjoy it until then.