May 27, 2009 21:19
So, still bummin' around doing the bare minimum. I'm getting just enough substitute work to keep myself in the black so that's good. Bad thing is I'm going a bit stir crazy. I need work to balance out all the free time i have.
It's weird. If I have too much free time i get nothing done, but if i have limited free time, things get done... I procrastinate like no tomorrow when i have an endless supply of time. Working helps balance all that out.
So what exactly am i doing with my free time?
Good thing: i started blogging in Japanese on my Mixi account (japanese facebook) so that's productive.
Bad thing: Started watching Lost. I haven't watched one episode up till now. Then Kaori wants to rent it, so we got some of the first season. Hooked! Line and sinker. Eats up time like no other.
Good thing: Practicing more music. I'm playing in a wedding, so I have to beef up my acoustic playing. Also, there's band practice. We just made a demo cd. Full Moon Dreamin. So we should be getting some gigs sooner or later this summer.
Bad thing: I bought some new video games when i got back in the states. Like four new ones... So that's a big time consumer too...
Good thing: Sorta kinda studying for the GRE and Japanese Proficiency Exam. Both aren't for awhile so the study action is a bit sporadic but i've started early! that's good for me.
Good thing(?): i've managed to keep most of my NZ tan... perhaps i'll be a bronze god this summer? Hell yeah!