The Nightmares (XPosted)

Mar 01, 2010 02:50

It begins with 2 words.

"Needs salt"

Then it's a backwards spin through time.
A dish of enchiladas, hot out of the oven.
Hands gathering knife and fork, holding the plates.
A slip, a plate dropping to the floor.
A jagged sliver bouncing up to slice the hand.
Across and through the skin of the thumb.
The red of blood, bright and dark at the same time.
Hand trying to staunch the bleeding that leaks through,
splashing to the floor in thick droplets.
A laughter resonates in the ears.
A flash of movement, too quick to see.
The sting of words, not quite believing the cruelty.
The color of the blood mesmerizes,
catching attention, sucking into it's colorful promise.
It's too much, the laughter hurting, destroying.

I scream, clawing my way to the surface of wakefulness.
It is always my pain that wakes me, that invokes the laughter.
The look of glee as I bleed, crying in pain.
I cannot escape, I'm drowning in the blood, sinking farther and farther below the surface.
The laughter, the smirk, it haunts my waking.

It is too much...
How much longer must the nightmares of my blood, my pain, and my death will I endure?

I cannot go on much longer, the nightmares allow me no restful peace in sleep.

I want to sleep.

It's been over a year since I slept through the night.

Dear goddess, if you exist, let me sleep, let me finally have an end to these nightmares. I beg of you, please save me from drowning in the darkness of my mind.