Master Fic List

Jan 09, 2011 20:05

Title: 30 Thoughts - The Doctor
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: All over the place
Summary: The Doctor has a massive brain and years of experience - who really knows what goes on in the mind of his. Here are my drabbles of what might have been.

When she turned the knob on that radio, the room was engulfed in music

Title: 30 Thoughts - Rose
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: All over the place
Summary: Rose chose to travel with a madman in a pretty blue box. Here are my drabbles of what might have been.

Rose had been staring at the flower in her hand for the past 15 minutes.

Title: Almost
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; before Army of Ghosts
Summary: The drug that heals our sorrows - forgetfulness.
A/N: This was written last year. It's full of angst - you've been warned.

It was always so quiet at night.

Title: Anticipation
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Anywhere, anywhen
Summary: A night in a quiet and lonely town.
A/N: Written for froxyn

It was a quiet night in a lonely, jushed town that was blanketed by snow.

Title: Bending Time
Pairing: Ten/Rose; mentioning of Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline:Series 2, after GitF
Summary: After a visit from an old "friend," the Doctor is having a rough time following through. Rose tries to come to terms with what she knows she can't have from the Doctor.
A/N:This is a sequel to Borrowed Time. To better understand this story, you should read that one first.

Rose could feel her body trying to wake her.

Title: Better
Pairing: TenII/Rose; mentioning of Ten/Rose and Nine/Rose
Rating: PG (will go up)
Timeline: After Journey's End
Summary: The Doctor is traveling on new territory - a human body with a very human single heart, no Tardis and no time & space. But there's Rose - and all the emotions that resurface with her return. All he wants to do is be with her - but it's not going to be that easy.
A/N: Ongoing

"Are all people like this? SO much bigger on the inside?"

Title: Borrowed Time
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2, after GitF
Summary: The Tenth Doctor is having a rough night - and a visit from an old "friend" isn't helping any.

Sometimes, the Doctor wished he could sleep.

Title: Divination
Pairing: Nine/Rose;Ten/Rose; Eleven/Rose; Amy/Rory
Rating: PG
Timeline: Anywhere, anywhen
Summary: A Halloween story - more memories than scares.

"You're really going to let us?"

Title: Exactly What You're Looking For
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; between New Earth and Tooth and Claw
Summary: The Doctor and Rose are getting ready to go to a wedding.
A/N: Written for kilodalton

"No matter what, where or when...the female species will always drive me insane."

Title: For a Human
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1; before Captain Jack
Summary: Rose has been traveling with the Doctor for awhile - she knows how to get those double hearts pumping.
A/N: Drabble written for phoenikxs

"So, who are we seeing again"

Title: Gone
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: after End of Time
Summary: They were all gone - and with them the balance of his existence
A/N: Written for who_contest

They were gone.

Title: Happiness & Cake
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1 or 2
Summary: Rose has a surprise for the Doctor...
A/N: Originally written as a birthday fic for my friend who_in_whoville

The Doctor walked towards the kitchen, hyper aware that it was far too quiet in the Tardis.

Title: Having You
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: Mature
Timeline: Series 1; after The Long Game
Summary: The Doctor and Rose are after some leisure time after some unpleasant adventures, but it's proving to be too much to handle.
A/N: Written for bratflorida

"So, where to next Doctor?"

Title: His Loss
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: During GitF
Summary: During the 5 1/2 hours that the Doctor left Rose and Mickey, Rose couldn't help but think that some things really couldn't last forever.

I don't go anywhere without her.

Title: Implications
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG-13-ish
Timeline: Series 1
Summary: It's Halloween and Rose has been at a party at her mum's...
A/N: Written for then_theres_us

Maybe it was the teeth that did it.

Title: It Sounded like Happiness
Pairing: Eight; Grace Holloway
Rating: PG
Timeline: Doctor Who movie
Summary: Happiness from a very odd man.
A/N: Written for redknightalex

"There are more important things to think about!"

Title: It Would Never Happen Again
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline:after Doomsday
Summary: Its difficult to remember what was lost, not because you don't want to, but because it hurts to think about it.

She stared at her hands.

Title: Love
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2
Summary: Rose is very distracted one evening.

Rose had a book open on her lap - it was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Title: Low Rising
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: After The Age of Steel
Summary: Rose is mad at the Doctor...again.
A/N: Drabble written for who_in_whoville

Rose was mad at him again.

Title: Me & You
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1; pick a time
Summary: The Doctor has forgotten about a very important date.
A/N: Originally written as a birthday fic for my friend develish1

The Doctor walked around the console, trying to ignore the quiet that surrounded him,

Title: Moments
Pairing: Nine/Rose; glimpses of Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline:"Rose" to "Doomsday"
Summary:What happened between the first time the Doctor asked Rose to join him and when he came back the second time?

Because life is a series of moments.

Title: One Day
Pairing: Eleven; Amelia Pond
Rating: PG
Timeline: during Eleventh Hour
Summary: There are different kids of families - no one knows this better than the Doctor.
A/N: Written for who_contest

"Doctor, where is your family?"

Title: Saturation
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1; timey whimey
Summary: Rose couldn't sleep and the Doctor thinks he might be able to help.
A/N: Written for bratflorida

The moonlight landed on the sheets, drowning it in an ocean blue color.

Title: Shiver
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: Series 1
Summary: It was the way he made her feel.
A/N: Written for milieva

She could feel him staring.

Title: Smitten
Pairing: Eleven/Rose; Amy/Rory... Rose/Rory?
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 5 - between Flesh and Stone and Vampires of Venice
Summary: Nostalgia takes the Doctor to a time he never thought he'd visit...not after the end of his Tenth life. Amy and Rory meet someone from the Doctor's past...but it isn't the Doctor this young blond has her eyes on.


Title: Sunshine
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Jack
Rating: PG-13-ish
Timeline: after The Doctor Dances
Summary: He was getting tired of the pretty boys.
A/N: Written for develish1

He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

Title: Tea & Jelly Babies
Pairing: Four, Eight, Nine, Ten; mention of the Tardis and other Doctors
Rating: PG
Timeline: timey whimey
Summary: Four versions of the same man sit down to some tea - what could go wrong?
A/N: Written for who_contest

"I haven't seen this set since before Sarah Jane...the first time!"

Title: The Beginning
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: Mature
Timeline: Series 1; pick a time
Summary: It was a quiet time in the Tardis. And that's when he kissed her.
A/N: Written for emraldeyedauter

He wasn't sure what had come over him.

Title: The Celestial Happening
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; sometime after The Age of Steel
Summary: An absent-minded Time Lord and a curious Rose in a lonely old bookstore - what could possibly go wrong?
A/N: Written for then_theres_us

"What are we doing here Doctor?"

Title: The Radiance of What Never Was
Pairing: Eleven/Rose; Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Now
Summary: A familiar song haunts the Doctor.
A/N: Written for anna_sg1

The Doctor was swinging underneath the console, suspended by slings.

Title: Then & Now
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2
Summary: Sunny day on the beach...then and now.
A/N: Written for milieva

"Is that what you're wearing?

Title: Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2009
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose; Jack, Jackie, Mickey, the Tardis
Rating: PG
Timeline:Every Christmas that could have been (and maybe was...)
Summary: Contains 20 Christmas one-shots.


Title: Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2010
Pairing: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose; various
Rating: PG
Timeline: Every Christmas that could have been (and maybe was...)
Summary: Christmas drabbles. you will find fluff, fun and a pinch of angst.

Geoff was sitting outside his favorite used bookstore, reading a dog-eared copy of A Christmas Carol

Title: Thunder & Lightning
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1; before Captain Jack
Summary: Rose and the Doctor take a walk during a rainstorm.
A/N: Drabble written for bluedragonhawk

The Doctor paced around the console with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Title: Twin Suns
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; after The Age of Steel but before Army of Ghosts
Summary: Perhaps going to one of the oldes plaents in existence wasn't the best plan the Doctor could have had...
A/N: Drabble written for redknightalex

Rose huddled under the heavy blankets, still shiver despite their warmth.

Title: Want
Pairing: TenII/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: after Journey's End; after Better
Summary: It's been years after Bad Wolf Bay...where are they now?
A/N: Written for the then_theres_us ficathon for a prompt left by sapphire_child

"Do you still think about him?"

Title: When It was Gone
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: timey whimey
Summary: The life in him burned. It lays stagnant.
A/N: Written for who_contest

The life in him burned.

Title: When You Can
Pairing: Ten/Rose, special guest
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2; after The Age of Steel
Summary: Things are a bit off between the Doctor and Rose after Mickey stays behind - still, everything's fine...right? Rose meets an intriguing stranger and the Doctor isn't so sure anymore.

"So, you'll be mine"

Title: With You
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Anytime during Series 2
Summary: Rose is wondering about something
A/N: Originally written as a birthday fic for my friend aurorasparrow88

Rose was looking at herself in the mirror.

Title: The Unfinished Christmas Thoughts 2012
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Anytime
A/N: I promise to finish these. It might not be now, but I will finish them


master fic list

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