Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2009 - Part IV

Dec 15, 2010 16:48

Title: Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2009
Author: jiji_bean 
Characters: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Jack, Jackie, Mickey, and the Tardis of course!
Rating: PG
Time Line: Every Christmas that could have been (and maybe was...)
Summary: Contains 20 Christmas drabbles that I wrote last year. I plan on writing some for each day next week and wanted to revisit. You will find fluff, fun, humor, and a pinch of angst. Happy Holidays!


“He is not real, Doctor,” grumbled Rose as she took out the last batch of banana-chocolate chip cookies.

The Doctor stopped tinkering with the broken toaster and looked up at Rose with wide disbelieving eyes.

“You can’t honestly believe that Rose.”

She looked at him and simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Of course Santa Claus exists,” he shouted, waving his sonic screwdriver in the air, “I’ve met him, and helped him deliver some gifts one year, nice chap.”

He returned his attention to the toaster.

Rose started at him incredulously.

Then, out of the silence, she heard it…

Bells ringing in the distance, and were those…

“Ah, good, he won’t need my help this year,” he said without looking up, but with a mischievous smile on his lips.

Rose’s jaw dropped as she fell onto the nearest chair.

The Doctor looked up, his smile having grown wider since he saw Rose’s awe-struck face.

“What?” he asked merrily.


“I can’t believe I let her do this,” whined Mickey.

Jack stood in front of the mirror admiring his legs in the green tights, “I don’t know, I like this look…’elf chic’ we should call it. Besides we’re only dressing like elves for that charity thing Jackie wants us to do.”

He sat down on the couch next to Mickey, putting on his pointy elf shoes.

“Yea’, I guess that’s alright.”

Jack patted his back harshly, “Course it is Mick, but how did the Doctor get to be Santa? He’s so grumpy and lean and…tall.” Mickey shrugged his shoulders as the Doctor walked in, sulking in his red suit, black boots and thumping childishly on the floor, white beard hanging off his neck.

He crossed his arms, “How did they get me to do this?”

Jack smiled and said, “Rose asked you to” and then proceeded to blink his eyes at the Doctor in imitation.

The Doctor narrowed his eyes at him, “Shut it.”

Before Jack could continue, they heard the clicking of boot heels behind them. All three turned and then proceeded to drool when their eyes landed on Rose, or shall we say…Mrs. Claus.

Dressed in a red, and short, velvet dress cinched at the waist with a wide black belt, black fishnets and tall black boots, her hair in ringlets around her face smelling like gingerbread and peppermint, she looked down at her self and then up at them in confusion, “What?”

The Doctor made a strange noise at the back of his throat; Mickey continued drooling, only Jack, who was smiling flirtatiously, spoke, “I don’t remember Mrs. Claus looking like that.”

Rose smiled, “Yeah well, gotta change with the times, yeah?” She grabbed a coat and a bag of gifts by the door and headed out.

The Doctor followed silently, his eyes slightly unfocused.

Jack looked at Mickey (who was still drooling) and at the door that his friends had just left through.

“Lucky man,” he chuckled, as he put on his elf hat and got off the couch.


Rose giggled excitedly as she guided the sled down the hill. The Doctor looked on at her chuckling, his brown coat swaying in the winter air.

“Come on Doctor!” she yelled, once she was at the bottom, “you give it a try!” she stepped off to the side, offering it to him. He shook his head, “No, you go ahead.”

Rose picked up the sled and placed her one hand on her hip.

“Doctor,” she said, her eyes happily pleading with him.

He continued shaking his head and smiled.

Rose sighed, “How about we go on down the hill together?” her tongue was pressing against her teeth, a half smile teasing him.

His hearts stuttered and he felt a warm rush throughout his body. Blushing slightly (it was the cold…really), he nodded, “Alright.”

She smiled and took him by the hand. Together, they treaded up the hill.

Once at the top, Rose sat on the sled, making room for the Doctor. He cleared his throat and sat himself behind Rose. He slid his arms around her waist, to hold on of course.

He heard her take a deep breath.

“Ready?” she whispered. He nuzzled his face in her hair and tightened his grip around her waist. “Yeah,” he mumbled.

With a push, they slid down, their laughter and shrieks ringing out, breaking the winter silence.


“What do we do with this,” asked Rose, lifting a fruitcake, still in its wrapping, from a box on the kitchen table.  The Doctor put down his cup of tea, grinned and said, “Give it to your mother?”

Chuckling, he ducked his head as said fruitcake was hurled his way.


The Doctor was looking at the console screen, trying to decide where to take Rose next. Suddenly, he heard a rumble throughout the Tardis and felt a strong heat overwhelm his ship. It happened so quickly and was so thick around him that he shook off his leather jacket and placed it on the railing next to him.

“Doctor, what was that noise?”

He turned around to see his young companion under the archway, her brow fixed in a confused expression.

“I don’t know, it just…happened,” he said, rather confused as well.

Rose leaned against the wall along the arch.

“Doesn’t feel like Christmas, does it.”

It was more of a statement than a question.

“Oh, it’s Christmas Rose. Of course it is,” he heard his voice sound so uncharacteristically low and husky. Things like Christmas wouldn’t have mattered much to him before…since the War that is…but since meeting Rose, she showed him how to live again.

She smiled at him, that smile that made his hands tremble and his hearts race. “But it’s not even cold.”

He slowly walked over to her. The Doctor felt unusually bare in his jumper without his jacket. His shield was down, but hadn’t it been down since he met her?

“It doesn’t need to be cold to be Christmas,” he explained, “Christmas is about friendship, family and caring…it’s about candy canes and a jolly fat man who rides a sleigh.” He smiled down at her. His hand itched, he wanted to touch her. But he didn’t.

Rose reached out to him, placing her hands on his arms. “Don’t forget, it’s also about the stars and the planets, smiles and hand holding and a Tardis decorated in lights and tinsel.” Her tongue pushed against her teeth, mesmerizing the Doctor.

The Tardis rumbled once more, shaking the walls suddenly.

Rose gripped the Doctor a little tighter, enjoying the feeling of her hands on his jumper and not the usual heavy jacket.

“What was that?” she whispered.

The Doctor, quite unable to move from where Rose was gripping him so, looked around. After scanning the room, he finally looked up above them and chuckled.

“What?” asked Rose and followed his line of sight above them.

There, right above and between them, was a beautiful strand of mistletoe.

“Rose, if you wanted to see my moves, you just had to ask,” chuckled the Doctor, teasing her.

Rose felt the blood rush to her cheeks, “It wasn’t me Doctor.”

The Doctor frowned slightly, but didn’t move.

“Tardis is getting cheeky apparently.”

The fervor of the moment having left for the moment, he made to leave back to the console area. Then he felt Rose’s grip tighten through his jumper. He turned back to her, a million questions in his crystal blue eyes.

Rose couldn’t stand the intensity and questioning and she looked down, refusing to back down but still too nervous to confront it head on.

“Rose?” his voice was thick with something that Rose had only dreamed of.

“Well,” her voice was shaky, “it is tradition, Doctor.” She was afraid to look up at him, afraid that he’d reject her, terrified that he’d regret ever picking her up in the first place.

She felt his fingertips under her chin, pulling her up to meet his eyes.

The Doctor didn’t say a word, but his eyes spoke volumes. Rose felt she was dreaming, but none of her dreams had ever felt this real.

He inched closer to her and while she remained frozen in fear…fear that all of a sudden, he’d pull back and ask her to forget this. She couldn’t forget this.

Finally, she felt the warmth of his lips on hers, so softly - it was a caress, a prayer on their lips. They moved sweetly and achingly slow in the most natural way. It felt as if they had always been doing this…like they should have always been this way.

Rose felt the Doctor’s hands circle around her waist, crushing her gently to him. Her hands found their way from his arms to the back of his neck, keeping his lips just where they ought to be.

Much too soon, their lips parted, but their faces remained close.

“Merry Christmas Doctor?” her simple wish turned into a silent question, a pleading of sorts.

The Doctor smiled. A smile meant only for this one very extraordinary human girl. He dipped his head slightly to reach her lips. This kiss was different. It was fire and stars bursting and explosions.


They separated once more. Rose attempted to catch her breath, but there was no hope in slowing down her heart.

“Merry Christmas Rose,” three words, but in between them the answers to many questions.

She smiled, more confidently now, and reached for his lips.

The Tardis vibrated with happiness.

jackie, christmas, jack, fandom, nine, love, rose tyler, ten, fanfic, tardis

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