Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2009 - Part II

Dec 15, 2010 16:36

Title: Thoughts: Christmas Edition 2009
Author: jiji_bean 
Characters: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Jack, Jackie, Mickey, and the Tardis of course!
Rating: PG
Time Line: Every Christmas that could have been (and maybe was...)
Summary: Contains 20 Christmas drabbles that I wrote last year. I plan on writing some for each day next week and wanted to revisit. You will find fluff, fun, humor, and a pinch of angst. Happy Holidays!


The Doctor walked nervously to Rose’s room, her door actually being open for once. They had just spent a fantastic day at the vast Christmas Fair on the planet of Ponsia, a planet that celebrated Christmas throughout the year. They had hot chocolate and walked hand in hand through the snow. The snow was purple, but it had the same effect.

The Doctor knew that he would carry the image of Rose, all bundled up in her black coat, white scarf and magenta gloves, flakes of purple in her hair, in his hearts forever. She had the widest, brightest Rose-smile he had ever seen and a twinkle in her eye. No way was he forgetting any of it.

The Doctor had been having so much fun that he hadn’t given her the Christmas present he had gotten awhile back.

Or was it his nerves?

The present, wrapped in gold paper, was burning a hole in his bottomless pocket. He stood at the entrance of her room with wide nervous eyes. Rose, who had been tidying up (miraculously), turned around.

Upon seeing the Doctor, standing there awkwardly, she smiled her mega-watt smile. “Hi Doctor,” she said brightly.

The Doctor could feel the small package in his pocket, amazing since he had lots already in there.

“Hi Rose, um…busy?” I can always come by later, he reasoned, trying to back out of the room.

She shook her head, her hair flipping, “Of course not, come in.” She sat on her bed, patting the space next to her. The Doctor grinned sheepishly and walked in to sit next to her.

“I…forgot to give you your Christmas present,” he explained while retrieving the small gold box. Rose’s eyes widened, a slight reddening reaching her cheeks.

“Doctor, I didn’t think…I don’t have anything for you,” she said, unhappily.

The Doctor shook his head, “No need for it Rose, you’re all I need.”

He froze as soon as his declaration escaped him. He hadn’t meant…certainly he had meant the words but….he hadn’t meant to actually say them.

The reddening deepened on Rose’s cheeks as she reached for the small box. The Doctor sat, entranced and nervous as she gingerly undid the wrapping. He saw her marvel at the velvet box in her hands. She looked up once more, a sweet smile playing on her lips. Then, looking down again, she popped open the box, the slight creak being the only sound, besides the Doctor’s hearts, in the room. The Doctor heard her quiet gasp and his ears burned with pleasure.

She lifted the delicate silver chain up to her eyes, unearthing the silver locket. The Doctor knew she was looking at the intricate swirls and figures that decorated it. Rose focused back on him, “These symbols…they’re from Gallifrey.” It was a statement, not a question.

He nodded. She didn’t need to know beyond that at the moment. And he was finding it hard to swallow, let alone speak.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” she whispered.

The Doctor smiled warmly at her. She made to put the necklace on when he rushed to do it for her. She smiled and turned her back to him, lifting her hair in the process. He swallowed harshly (finally), and placed the necklace around her when she spoke softly, “What does it say?”

It was the question that he didn’t want to answer.

“Well…it’s a token of friendship and…love.”

Rose turned back to him, love shining in her own eyes. The Doctor felt his hearts constrict.

No need for her to know exactly what it says, he decided, smiling back at her, his fingertips lingering on her shoulder

Christmas Tree

Rose was sulking in her room one day.

Oh, but it wasn’t just any day, it was Christmas. She was sulking because the Doctor had forgotten the day. Rose knew that Christmas didn’t matter in the broadest sense, not when it came to the universe and worlds out there. Not when people needed saving or unfairness was afoot. But, she was a daft human after all.

Rose missed the gleefulness in the air as snow landed on the pavement, the sound of children and adults alike playing and enjoying being together. The hot chocolate and biscuits, holiday cartoons, and her favorite movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, on the television.

She hadn’t reminded the Doctor. He was just so happy having adventure after adventure. How could she be the one to ruin it? She wouldn’t, it was simple as that.

Rose was contemplating sneaking into the kitchen, grabbing some hot chocolate and then sneaking to the library to see if the Tardis could conjure up some holiday movies for her when she heard the Doctor suddenly.


Sitting up, she responded as cheerful as she could, “Yes, Doctor?”

A sad smile on his lips, he walked over and sat down near her.

“Why didn’t you tell me today is your Christmas?” he asked.

Her mouth opened and no sound came out.

Seeing as she was unable to answer, he continued, “Well, the Tardis was kind enough to remind me. Why didn’t you tell me Rose? I know how much you love Christmas.” His eyes looked down at her sadly.

Rose looked down at her comforter, unable to meet his eyes, “I didn’t want to bother you…there are more important things…”

She felt his fingertips under her chin, pulling her out of her reverie. His eyes held so much. Rose could feel the time, memories, loss and, yes, happiness there. Something else as well, something she couldn’t quite place.

“It’s important,” was all he said.

And with that, he reached for her hand, their fingers intertwining so naturally, and pulled her up. Following him in silence, they finally reached the library, where Rose saw the most amazing sight.

It was the biggest most beautifully decorated Christmas tree Rose had ever seen. It was a mass of green with tangles of blue and white ribbons. There were tiny snowflakes and even a tiny Tardis hanging off one of the branches. The room smelled of pine and the glow of the fireplace flickered, causing the glitter to shine from the ornaments he so wonderfully placed on the gigantic tree.

“Do you like it,” he asked, honestly thinking that she might not.

Rose turned to look at him, her fantastic Time Lord. “Of course,” she said, her voice breaking.

The Doctor smiled down at her, “Want to get some hot chocolate and watch It’s a Wonderful Life?”

She smiled, her teeth glistening in the light.

A wonderful life indeed.


I'll be home for Christmas,
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree.

Rose and the Doctor were standing at Rockefeller Center, looking up at the massive tree and hearing the choir sing Christmas carols.

The Doctor looked down at his Rose, her smile brightening the night. What would have happened had he not met this wonderful girl? His hearts would have been as cold as a December night and filled with the deepest sorrow. Sorrow that would have killed him eventually, no desire or purpose left to regenerate.

But as luck and fate…was it fate? He was beginning to believe in such things. As the world would have it, the Doctor had met Rose Tyler and that had made all the difference.

She looked up at him suddenly, her eyes gleaming with mischievous delight. He felt the darkness fall farther and farther away from his soul.

Christmas Eve will find me
where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.

Someone or something up there liked him. How else could she have happened to him?

He reached for her, holding her tight against him, his Time Lord hearts beating against her strong and solitary one.

Where the love-light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.


Rose was hunched over the kitchen table, being very careful to not spill the glue. She was decorating three stockings: a green one for her blue-eyed Doctor, a blue one for the Tardis, and a purple one for herself.

She was just finishing gluing a bit a glitter on the one for herself when she heard him enter the room.

“What’s this then?” he asked, rather loudly making Rose jump nevertheless.

“I’m decorating our Christmas stockings,” she said, turning her attention to her Doctor’s stocking.

He was quiet for a moment before continuing, “You’re decorating Christmas stockings?”

“Yup,” she said, popping her p.

Rose heard the chair scrape against the floor as he sat down. He was quiet again. As she was concentrating on writing Doctor on the white of his stocking, she couldn’t quite look up just then.

Once finished, she looked to see his crystal blue eyes on her. Her heart skipped a beat.

“You’re decorating a stocking for me?” he asked, incredulous at her actions.


He smiled slightly, “Why is it green?”

She felt herself flush and shrugged nonchalantly.

“I don’t know…it’s the color of your favorite jumper.” It really was the reason; however, the fact that he had never actually called it his favorite jumper was the problem…

“How do you know it’s my favorite jumper?” he asked, his forehead wrinkling in confusion.

Rose sighed, fearing that question. How would he react to the fact that she paid attention to every detail that had to do with him?

“Well, you wear it a lot, you make sure that nothing gets on it or that it doesn’t get stretched out and one time when I put it on ‘cuz it got mixed up with my things, you almost had a heart attack…attacks.”

The Doctor frowned and nodded.

“Who is the blue one for?”

Rose rolled her eyes, “The Tardis.” Duh.

She saw his reaction before she heard it. The Doctor’s eyes widened and then she heard him take a sharp intake of breath.

“What?” she asked. Really, he was giving her the weirdest reactions.

“Nothing, just…you thought of her,” he smiled broadly.

She smiled in response, “Of course.” The Doctor looked on at her in pride and affection.

Underneath and around them the Tardis rumbled happily.


The Tardis hummed happily as she felt the presence of her occupants. They were all hanging up ornaments on the large tree she had provided them for this wonderful holiday of friendship, love and faith.

There was Mickey, her Rose’s ex-boyfriend demoted to simply best friend. He was laughing at Jackie’s comments, hanging a small snowman on one of the branches.

Jackie, Rose’s mother, was busy teasing everyone. She was hanging a pink crystal heart on the other side of the tree.

The laughter was escalating as Jack, the newest occupant of the Tardis, proceeded to humor them with yet another coarse story of his past. The Tardis couldn’t help but rumble along in the laughter. He was arranging the star at the top of the tree.

And then her absolutely favorite two people in all of creation, her Doctor and his Rose. They were standing at the back of the room, watching their friends and family in their happiness. The Tardis warmed simply feeling the love between them that they were always so protective of. Always hiding it from each other, she never could understand fully why they acted so.

Rose hugged the Doctor tightly around his middle, and his arms reached down around her. They embodied friendship, love and the utmost faith in each other. Always for each other.

Her Time Lord and his Rose, they were the essence of what it was to love.

Part III

jackie, christmas, jack, fandom, doctor who, nine, love, rose tyler, ten, fanfic, tardis

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