Title: 30 Thoughts - The Doctor 9/10
jiji_bean Characters: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor has a massive brain and years of experience - who really knows what goes on in the mind of his. Here are my drabbles of what might have been.
Secrets )
Comments 6
Also, love your icon - makes me think suggestive things about that throat *happy sigh*
... how did a mouse get into the Tardis? x)
This is both adorable & saddening. Well done.
I mean, just look at the Doctor ;)
the computer one was aw, maybe she'll let you have a peek
and the last one was too cute for words and yes mice are rather cute. My sister had two years back and as long as you could stop them doing their business on your hands or lap they were great fun. Having said that I don't think i'll be letting my boys have any
I can imagine what she wrote in that diary of hers...password protected, of course ;)
I think mice are adorable. I can just picture Rose holding a cuddly little field mouse (toffee colored please). And nope, don't blame you about letting your kids have some - that business is too icky for even the cutest of creatures haha.
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