Title: Coming Back (1/1)
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: After
Summary: For a second chance, he would break all the rules.
A/N: A little something! I'm so proud! lol
He stared off into the sunset and couldn't help but scoff at the idea that he was actually staring off into a sunset. He couldn't help it; the past covered him like a cloak. It was one that he couldn't drag off of himself. Images of her engulfed his mind and insides. The way she would look at him - like the broken thing he was, but never with pity. No, her look never carried that...not when she looked at him.
Her eyes. That was what haunted him the most. They were amber and when they met his, they burned. It caused him to feel warm all over with a pang felt in his chest. So much could be conveyed with a look. It could be a word. A feeling. An entire book.
He shook his head as if to clear it. Why was he thinking of her now? What good would it do? There was no going back. No way that he could erase what he did - leaving her behind. He rubbed his eyes with his hands. Nothing could erase the abandonment.
Yet - a part of him thought that perhaps the impossible could be quite possible.
It was insane. Selfish. Destructive.
He looked up - the water was quiet. The sunset was long gone. No trace of it left.
Slowly, he stood up. He felt the bones in his body ache. It really had been a long time. But he knew, oh, he knew that it didn't matter when it would be - she would always be beautiful to him.
But would he be the same to her?
If he wasn't meant to see her again, why did her name sing and ring in his soul?
Cliches. They were all cliches tonight. He chuckled at his absurdity.
But cliches were so for a reason.
He turned to walk back. His shoes made a dent in the sand - it would be erased come morning.
What would he do for a second chance?
Anything - including breaking all the rules. Especially that.
What would he do with his chance?
Break them all again.
Again and again.