Thoughts: Christmas 2011 (3/5)

Dec 21, 2011 21:50

Title: Thoughts: Christmas 2011 (3/5)
Pairing: Doctor/Rose, maybe other supporting characters
Rating: Teen
Timeline: Christmas
Summary: I'd like to think that the Doctor and Rose experienced (and still are!) many Christmases together. Here's what I think what happened...
A/N: Many thanks to develish1bluedragonhawk and my bf who helped me with prompts when I was desperate for them!

Previous:  One | Two

Rose found that she couldn't stop staring at him. His disheveled hair that looked like he'd spent hours perfecting it was probably the aspect that she simply could not get her mind wrapped around. She was used to not much being there, honestly.

The pinstripe suit, the long coat - it was all so new. It fit him more than nicely, but she found herself missing the black leather and jeans along with the heavy boots. His trainers would be good for running, she pondered.

There was something about him, however, that struck her as not having changed a bit.

"Rose, you alright?" his eyes were filled with concern as he looked down at her. The ash they had mistaken as snow was falling around them. Her mum and Mickey were off talking to others from the estate, leaving them quite alone.

She looked at him and gave him a sheepish grin, "I'm alright, just...different is all."

The Doctor looked down at his trainers and looked up at her again, a strand of hair falling onto his eyes. One thing was for sure, he still had that way of making her heart beat faster than it should.

"Is that, bad?" his question came out in a whisper, as if he was afraid of the answer.

Rose smiled, more whole-heartedly this time, "Different isn't bad at all Doctor. Merry Christmas."

He held out his hand, his mouth set with a huge grin, the one physical aspect that had remained unchanged. It was still as full and bright as ever. It made her heart flutter as she joined her hand with his.

"What is all this?"

The Doctor looked around the mess that was once Jackie's somewhat clean kitchen table. Biscuits in all kinds of shapes and sizes were in piles on plates. Tubes of white, green and red icing, confetti sprinkles and crystallized sugar littered whatever cleared spaces there might have been.

Jackie looked at him incredulously as she got up to serve him a cuppa. He made a face. He really did not want to be in Rose's mother's flat, but they had been traveling for awhile and since it the next day was Christmas, the Doctor felt obliged to have Rose celebrate with her mum. Rose had told him that he could leave and come back to pick her up, but she'd given him a poignant look mixed with that thing she did with her eyes and before he knew it, he was dragging himself into her mum's flat.

Rose picked up a biscuit in the shape of a tree and reached for the green icing and sugar crystals. "They're biscuits, Doctor. You know that. Want to help me decorate?" She looked up at him and he noticed that there was a spot of green icing near her mouth.

The Doctor shrugged off his jacket, draped it on the back of the chair and sat down. Before thinking twice, he leaned towards her, held her chin with one hand while he rubbed at the icing near her lip with his thumb. She dropped the cookie she had been working on, breaking it into halves and stared at him with wide eyes. He pretended not to notice.

After the icing was gone, he held her chin for a moment, staring at her. The moment was broken, however, when Jackie set down the mug on the table in front of him...loudly. He didn't look up at her and instead moved his hands to cuppa, bringing it to his mouth for a deep taste.

"Delicious," he said, his voice hoarse. Jackie gave him a look and then went back to the living room where they heard her turn on the TV.

The Doctor picked up a biscuit in the shape of a star and flipped it using his long fingers. Rose picked up the pieces of the broken tree and ate each one.

"What color should the star be, you think?" she asked him as she watched the star turn over with his fingers.

"Well, it doesn't seem like any of these colors would suffice the real color of a star..." his voice trailed off. He tried his best not to look at her.

Rose sighed and picked up another tree and got to work on it with the green icing.

Knowing that she was concentrating at the task at hand, he stole a glance at her. Her blond hair was piled into a ponytail, but wisps of it had escaped and they framed her face and fell onto her eyes.

He took the tube of red icing and piled some onto the biscuit shaped like a star and then picked up the tube of white icing and piled it on top of the red. The Doctor sensed Rose's attention on him, but he again refused to look at her.

Taking a butter knife, he mixed the icings as best as he could until they formed a pale pink color. When it did, he spread the icing across its five points. He smiled, taking pleasure in his finished product.

The Doctor looked up to find Rose staring at him curiously. She startled and smiled an awkward smile.

"A pink star isn't really right for Christmas, is it Doctor?" the question had a teasing ring to it.

He smiled at her and handed her the star. Looking confused, she took it in her hand and looked at him questioningly.

"It's not meant for Christmas, Rose, it's for you. Merry Christmas," his eyes softened and there was a sweet smile on his lips. He picked up a biscuit the shape of Santa Claus and tried to ignore the blush on Rose's cheeks as she looked at him incredulously.

"Merry Christmas...Doctor," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. It made his hearts skip a beat.


christmas, thoughts, ten, doctor who, nine, rose tyler

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