30 Day Book & Literature Meme
- Your 10 favorite books of all time.
- Your 5 least favorite books of all time.
- Your favorite characters and which books they’re from.
- Characters you hate and which books they’re from.
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what five books would you take with you? Include one reason for each.
- The best book you’ve read in the last year.
- The worst book you’ve read in the last year.
- Your favorite quotes from books.
- Your favorite quotes about books.
- Name five absolutely great film adaptations of books.
- Name three absolutely awful film adaptations of books.
- Your favorite authors.
- Your favorite book from childhood
- A book you regret not having read sooner
- A book you haven’t read but is on your “will read” list.
- A book you haven’t read and have no intention of ever reading,.
- A book you want to like, but can’t get into for whatever reason. Why can’t you get into it?
- A book that you think is highly overrated.
- A book that you think is woefully underrated
- The environment you most enjoy reading in
- The most disturbing book you’ve ever read
- A book you once loved, but don’t anymore. What changed?
- A book you once hated, but now love. What changed?
- Your favorite series
- The nerdiest book you’ve ever read.
- Your favorite type of nonfiction book
- Your favorite genre
- The first book you can remember reading on your own
- An author you wish was more well-known
- The book you’re reading right now.