Better 2/?

May 26, 2011 00:33

Title: Better 2/?
Pairing: Human Doctor/Rose, mentioning of Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen (this rating will increase later)
Timeline: After Journey's End
Summary: The Doctor is traveling on new territory - a human body with a very human single heart, no Tardis, and no time & space. But there's Rose - and all the emotions that resurface with her return. All he wants to do is be with her - but it's not going to be that easy.
A/N: Can't say how often it will be updated - but I won't neglect it, I promise :) Also, before I worry any more readers, this story is not the doom and gloom it appears to be :)

Want to read it from the beginning? Start here

The Doctor was concerned.

His very human mind was racing fast, a speed which almost matched his heart. Wasn’t the thinking process supposed to slow down a bit? If anything, it seemed like it had retained its velocity, but with a supplementary scramble of thoughts. The flashes of memories, ideas and thoughts were all disorganized in his mind. As soon as one thought came, there was a quick one following it - it was gave him some sort of mental whiplash.

It also made his head hurt a bit.

He rubbed, practically dug, his fingertips into his temple. All it did was spread the pain more along his head. The Doctor looked up and towards the kitchen. Rose was apparently on hold by the restaurant. She leaned over the counter, her back still towards him. He could hear the tapping of her finger on the menu sheet she had in front of her. He made himself look away from the curves of her body.

He wanted her so badly that it was beginning to physically hurt him. The Doctor could be truthful now in admitting that he had always wanted Rose, ever since he first felt her skin against his as he dragged her from the fate of the Autons. But ever since becoming human, that want that had always hibernated in his belly, in his hearts, and in his mind - it felt like it was everywhere, inundating him - it had become something so much more deeper than he ever thought it could be. Each touch, as innocent and accidental or intentional as it was, shook him to his very core. The Doctor spent so many years not being able to have her, not being able to take this particular trip with her that now that it was gifted to him by the only person that could give it to him - he didn’t want to spend one moment of this life not touching her.

It was driving him crazy. His mind thought back to every moment that he touched her and didn’t want to stop. Each moment that he wanted to kiss her, linger near her… And as much as the Doctor knew that there were other things to think about, such as what would become of him, his identity, life without the planets and the Tardis, he couldn’t help but make her the center of his thoughts, of his world, yet again. Rose had always maintained that spot and now that he was without everything that made him a Time Lord, she had only cemented the place that was already hers.

The Doctor couldn’t remember ever thinking this much. Surely with being such a superior being he had to have had other thoughts besides those involving Rose in his mind…didn’t he? If that was the case, then why could he not remember anything else that had ever seemed so important before? There had to have been something, he argued with himself, because if not - why didn’t he allow himself to be with her?

There was a heavy feeling suddenly weighing down on his shoulders, heart and stomach. The feeling trickled through his insides until every inch of him was trembling with the feeling.


Now that he no longer had the universe on his shoulders…now that he was human and therefore had simultaneously more and less time on his hands, he realized where the feeling came from.

It came from realizing how much he had kept from her. Not just his feelings and his knowledge and everything else, but happiness. Because they would have been happy, oh yes. It might have lasted decades or it may have lasted minutes, but they would have been so happy.

But fear, his fear, always got in the way. And not once….not once…did he tell her what she most wanted and needed. What she deserved to hear. It took him losing what made him alien to finally say those words he had so desperately wanted her to hear.

The Doctor looked up to her from his seat on the sofa. Rose was finally ordering the take-away for them. He couldn’t help but smile at the little mannerisms that hadn’t disappeared with time: the way her tongue pressed against her teeth, the way she rolled her eyes up and stared at the ceiling while waiting impatiently for the person on the other end of the line to speak, and her leaning against the counter, one hip jutted out as her free arm hugged herself around the middle.

The guilt in his belly was fighting with the other feeling that had resided there. He wanted to get up and walk right over to her and whisper those words again and again in her ear. The Doctor wanted to wrap the words around the both of them, say it in a million different languages, but always come back to the one she understood best - all because she deserved to be told and because he was selfishly so tired of keeping it to himself.

But he didn’t.

Because even though he was now one of the irrational, brilliant apes, he still knew enough to know that they would need time. And although he felt time was no longer a privilege he could partake in - he’d do it for her.

He would wait forever for her even when it wasn’t his to give, not because he felt he owed it to her, not because she was his only connection to anything anymore…no, those were not the reasons.

The Doctor would wait forever for Rose Tyler because no matter on what universe, with what face and how many hearts, she would always be his plus-one, his pink and yellow human…

His forever.


And, even if she didn’t know it just yet, even if she didn’t quite comprehend…there was one thing that Rose would have to come to understand.

The fact that he was most undoubtedly hers.



human doctor, fanfic, doctor who, better, rose tyler

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