Title: Music of the Spheres Interlude: Five Times Bruce and Clark Had Less-Than-Earth-Shattering Sex
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Series Notes: The Music of the Spheres is a combined Superman Returns/Batman Begins series. The whole series can be found
Rating: R
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So, how much I love you? Let's count the ways!
First, yes. Everything we said, and this? this makes me so happy, I stood up and started dancing. My back is killing me, and I had to get up to dance because this is everything that I wanted to see today, forget about my masochistic need for h/c. This? Love
Second, that's some excellent character exposition right there, if you ask me. Sometimes, this is all I want from comics, just a slice of their "mundane" life (how mundane can it be to have sex a hovering one feet over the bed? lol). You're right, it takes a lot of skill to sell this. But me? I'm buying!
Third. Bruce is so frustrated, I can't stop laughing at him. Because... I could almost see him hitting him Kal with a pillow, fuming, and getting up. I know he didn't hit him, but I bet he would have if he thought it would be of some use. Which it wasn't.
Fourth! The last one! Heheee! You rock.
I have more reasons to love you, but I'm writing you a mail anyway, and doing my paper. Because yes, even in the middle of my trip to mope-ville, I have the need to procrastinate.
It's not you, geez, don't get paranoid.
*grins* Paranoid, Bruce? Oh god. Lol. *Hugs* I hope your day gets better. Mine has certainly improved after this X)
Eeep, take care of the back! Hurt backs are bad, hurty things.
just a slice of their "mundane" life (how mundane can it be to have sex a hovering one feet over the bed? lol). You're right, it takes a lot of skill to sell this.
I believe that sasha_anu is Queen of Realistically Frustrating Sex--passing out when drunk, having your daughter walk in on you, it all cracks me up.
I know he didn't hit him, but I bet he would have if he thought it would be of some use. Which it wasn't.
He considered it and decided it would look too girly, so he stalked off into the night with dignity instead, lol. Not that Clark noticed either way.
Well, I'm glad I could take your mind off your back! Finishing and posting this definitely lifted my mood a bit. *hugs back*
There's something oddly reassuring about not remembering why you were moping in the past, isn't there? I'll see old comments and be like, "I was in a bad mood...but I can't remember why!" So this, too, shall pass... :)
Thanks for chatting us up tonight and I hope you got a good night's sleep!
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