
Fic: "Shattered" (Bruce/Harvey, the second and last)

Dec 04, 2006 01:10

Title:  Shattered
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent, Superman mentioned
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Notes: A continuation of Whole, though you don't have to read that to understand this.
Rating: R
Summary:  Superman leaves Earth.  Two weeks later Joe Chill's sentence is commuted.  Bruce's reactions, and Harvey ( Read more... )

fic, spheres

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jij December 4 2006, 23:43:58 UTC
Rock on top of my chest=Greatness!

I'll remember that for when we meet in person. "but your Honor, she told me a rock on her chest was great!" :)

*bawls* I... I honestly can't stand those lines, but I can't stop reading them. They hurt! but.. they are true! but they hurt! aahhh!

You know, those really aren't the lines that I thought would get you! Although, okay, I admit Harvey coming as close as he can to a declaration of love is pretty sad...*sniffles*

That bit almost scares me. Bruce wants to be inhuman so much because he hurts so much...He would break just.. so nicely. Worse, I don't think anyone would notice he was broken :(

Thanks, that's in part what I wanted to get across--and one of the themes of the earlier MotS too--that Batman envies Superman because he has this idea that Superman can remain really cold and untouched by it all. It's interesting because this dynamic really only works with movieverse versions...comic Bruce could never make that mistake about comic Clark.

And yes, I think a Bat broken inside might go unnoticed for a long time. :( As lopng as he didn't start killing, I think only Alfred and Dick (and maybe, even in canon, Clark) would notice it.

...one of this days I'm gonna have to show you the first Batman fic I wrote.

Well, yeah! I've shown you mine, after all. :)

Movie!Clark seems to not be aware of that. He wouldn't have thought about all the people that were heartbroken because this embodiment of hope had left them.

He does seem very oblivious, doesn't he? I mean, WTF? I want to slap movie Clark sometimes.

Bruce crying gets me every time. Every. Damn. Time! It's almost like a kink of mine! It's scary here because Bruce's feeling of freedom and almost... panicky joy make me think of the period of content and joy sucidal people have just before they execute a plan.

Bruce crying is a kink of mine too--I can't imagine it wouldn't be for anyone, wow, the power of it--but it's a dangerous one to indulge in as a writer, because it takes so much to make him cry once he's Batman. Still, if anything could do it, it would be Harvey...

And I read part 1 of Jekyll and Hyde last night! Ee! That scene in Arkham with Batman standing just slightly too close to Harv hanging there half-naked on the wall...! I'm scared to read the rest...


arch_schatten December 5 2006, 00:40:16 UTC
I'll remember that for when we meet in person. "but your Honor, she told me a rock on her chest was great!" :)

Metaphorical rocks, Jen. Metaphorical rocks. Don't make me sic Alfred on you...

You know, those really aren't the lines that I thought would get you!

Now I'm curious as to which lines you thought would get me :P

comic Bruce could never make that mistake about comic Clark.

Comics Bruce also has more of a pencahnt for exploting that pain, not trying to distance himself from it and forget. He knows that if he forgets... the mission turns kind of meaningless.

Still, if anything could do it, it would be Harvey...

True, Harvey has a really tight grip on Bruce... I really want to see more of Bruce's take on his failure with Harvey. I'm waiting for your next stories... with greedy h/c hunger :P

Eeeek! J&H! I'm re-reading it so I can comment with it with you, lol. God, I just read part two, and ugh. Bruce's conversation about his parents with Alfred *hurt*. Alfred is right, of course, Bruce's idea of his parents is an idealization, but urrrrg, hurts!!

Naked Harv, saying goodbye, it doesn't get much better than that. Talking about what they could have been, if things had been different ;.; I'm remembering now that this story was in a lot of crack. I think Harv's dad abuse issues are not here, this is another whole crazy thing...


jij December 5 2006, 13:32:16 UTC
Metaphorical rocks, Jen. Metaphorical rocks. Don't make me sic Alfred on you...

*puts away rock* Oh.

Now I'm curious as to which lines you thought would get me :P

Well, I was laying odds on "For Harvey Dent, there never would be again," actually. :) And the last line, but you mentioned that got to you too. Hell, for me, someone could write Bruce as peeling onions and crying and it would probably get to me. :)

I think Harv's dad abuse issues are not here, this is another whole crazy thing...

I have to find these father issues! Though it doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to think that Harv's father has got to be a big part of the problem...


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