So I was walking down the street with my sister last night, chatting with her with most of my mind and planning out a story with the rest of it, and I stopped and looked around and thought, "Writing slash stories about Superman and Batman is pretty bizarre, when you stop and think about it." That was when I knew that I had to find some way to access the Internet as soon as possible. :)
So I wheedled my folks into letting me spend one night in their hotel room with the wireless access so I could touch base with the sane people in my life again.
I'm having a wonderful trip here so far--one big advantage is that my six-month old niece will fall asleep only on my sister or myself. Thus I am often given much time with a baby lying on top of me in a quiet spot where I can stare into space and contemplate slashy things. Thus, I can report the progress of "Music of the Spheres":
Stories fully written, betaed, revised, ready to go: 2
Stories fully written: 4
Stories mostly mentally written: 8
Stories mostly plotted: 10
Stories planned: About 12
I'm going to spend this evening chatting with my folks, answering email and catching up on LJ stuff at a furious pace. Maybe I can sneak some more Internet time in on Sunday morning as well.
In other happy news, we have stable wireless Internet access in West Virginia, where I head Monday, so I'll be able to start posting stories shortly after that, with any luck.
Sorry to babble, just giddy with happiness at having five or so hours' worth of access. Joy, bliss...
UPDATE: I got almost no sleep because my mother likes to keep the room at about 40 degrees (fareinheit, not celsius), and my father snores like I would imagine Galactus snores. But all worth it for the access. :)