
10-Day Hiatus...

Aug 21, 2008 08:30

I'm about to head out the door on my way to America for three and a half weeks: until Sept. 2 in Maine with my family and from Sept. 2 to Sept. 13 in California chaperoning our students at summer school. While in Maine, I'll probably have Internet access but will be surrounded by a lot of rather inquisitive family members. So from now until Sept. 2 I'll be on hiatus from LJ. I won't be commenting or keeping up with feedback, although I'll probably be around for email. And I'll find some way to keep the superhero_muses stuff going, although it might require asking damo_in_japan to log on as me and post. So forgive me for being out of touch, and I'm planning on coming back in September refreshed and ready to plunge back into things!

I've got two things in beta and almost ready to go when I get to California--one's a wrap-up to Control Issues, the little mini-series about Clark and Bruce using mind-control as a sex toy. It's been nine months since the last update so I doubt anyone's been waiting too breathlessly for it, but it's good to finally get to it. :) The other is the next arc of The House of the Earth, which has been both a challenge and a joy to write, in roughly equal amounts.

*waves to all* I'll miss you and will be looking forward to getting back! Behave yourselves...or don't, that would be even better. ;)


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