Title: Gotham Nocturne: Chapter Four
Pairing: Clark/Bruce, Pamela Isley, Jonathan Crane
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Series Notes: Gotham Nocturne is part of The Music of the Spheres, a combined Superman Returns/Batman Begins series. The whole series can be found
Rating: Hard R
Summary: While
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Comments 37
Awesome... I love it when there's hot sex without there actually being any!
I can't wait to read more. I'm intrigued by what Crane is up to what will happen with Bruce and Clark because of it.
That's some of my favorite as well... :)
And Bruce finally runs into Crane's work, if not Crane himself, in the next chapter...
Glad you liked it!
His laugh was like something from an old horror film; Isley hid her shudder as much as possible and went back to her work.
These two are so *creepy* here. But I have to say, I love that you give him a laugh like the *old* horrors, and make Isley shudder. The old-school horror films were so much better than the new, creepy in that quiet way that sticks with you, rather than a cheap shock-a-minute. The Scarecrow belongs with the deep nightmares, with all their shoddy effects that shouldn't work but do, and their cheesy dialogue that should be silly but ends up resonant. (You may have gathered from this that I'm somewhat of a fan of the oldies).
Nothing comes together right. If I try to help a kitten out of a tree in Gotham, it's likely to fall and break a leg. I can't...find the right harmony. It's all...dissonant.”I can't help but feel that Gotham is jealous of Clark. I don't know why, but I feel like she's trying to drive Superman away so she can keep Batman with her, because he' ( ... )
*dances* Thank you! Man, I looked at that line a bunch of times, wondering if it just sounded silly to have him doing that crazy "Muahahaha!"--but there's a reason villains laugh like that...it's creepy when they really mean it. :)
It's almost like your Gotham is an old lover trying to win Bruce back by destroying his new one.Superman is too loud and bright for her, and he knows it too.
(Or that could just be my hyperactive imagination)
*squeals a bit* No, no it's not your imagination. :) I still haven't figured out exactly what's up with Gotham, but she's a little more of an actual presence than is usual in my fics.
Again with the evil! That there was a wicked, wicked touch, Jen. Bruce is having waaay too much fun at Clark's expense. All I can say is, he better make it worth ( ... )
Bruce is evil here! Poor Clark! ;)
Like Icarus, I like the old-style horror movies better, too. I think they were better psychologial thrillers. Today's movies are all shock-and-gore and bore me to tears.
That was a quite an image of Clark down on his knees taking Bruce in front of all! Whew! *fans self*
And starsandsea would love your Gotham thoughts, Icarus. :)
*snickers* He knew more or less what he was getting into. Though I swear, this version of Bruce has some kind of crazy exhibitionistic streak, and I don't know exactly where it came from...
Like Icarus, I like the old-style horror movies better, too. I think they were better psychologial thrillers. Today's movies are all shock-and-gore and bore me to tears.
I have an incredibly low gore tolerance, and I really hate stuff jumping out at me with a big musical sting, so I'm a total loss on modern horror movies. :)
starsandsea's Gotham series has definitely been influencing me! I love her Gotham so much...
'Courpse, now it's making me feel guilty for not having worked on UIP for a while. ^^"
"It just feels odd, being in full Grim Stalker of the Night mode while you're hanging out in a regular old suit."
Clark's Cindarella complex in this scene is so adorable. <3
“Be careful or I might start assuming you're enjoying yourself in my city.”
Isn't that, like, a capital offence in Gotham? And I like how you're extending the sound metaphor from MotS to set-up the relationship tension here.
"I happen to own this restaurant, you know."
Oh-oh, look out Clark...
... and happy birthday Bruce!
'Courpse, now it's making me feel guilty for not having worked on UIP for a while. ^
Don't feel guilty! Unless guilt motivates you to write, in which case, feel more guilty!
And I like how you're extending the sound metaphor from MotS to set-up the relationship tension here.
*sigh* I was having a hard time getting into this arc for some reason, and DaMo was like, "Well, find some way to use the music metaphor, maybe that'll help." So...it's all his fault! And it really did help...I'm glad it's working for you so far! *beams*
/has UIP open on the other desktop, but hasn't had time to work on it in between job apps and the OTW and the laptop dying and... arrgh! o_O
Dead hard drives will kill the muses deader than a doornail, that's for certain. *sends good vibes your way, and not just because I crave more UIP!*
This was hot, most definitely, but the part of it I liked the most was Clark's frustrated attempt to explain the more mystical side of his feelings about Gotham. I've told you before that this is my favourite version of alien!Clark, and it is. It's not just his abilities that set him apart from the rest of the world; there is something in the way he sees the world, in the way it affects him, that makes him something other than human.
And I love that.
Eee, thank you! That's a great description of what I've been trying to get with him--he really has an alien approach to things that sometimes still surprises me. I'm really delighted that's coming through and that it's sympathetic instead of, well, creepy, I suppose. :)
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