Title: Gotham Nocturne: Chapter Three
Characters/Pairings: Clark/Bruce, Leslie Thompkins, Pamela Isley, Jonathan Crane
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Series Notes: Gotham Nocturne is part of The Music of the Spheres, a combined Superman Returns/Batman Begins series. The whole series can be found
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Comments 21
I like the symmetry of the flashback and the doctor saying you do what you can after Mike had given Bruce the frog and then Bruce saying the same thing after touching the frog.
He remembered and it meant something to him and he'll do what he can to help the man who was so kind to him after his parents died.
What a wonderful update.
You're very welcome and I loved little touches like that from Batman Begins.
That was perfect for him and tied him to Jim before he became Batman. It made his decision to trust Gordon a more meaningful one.
I'm glad you've picked up on that.
And I *loved* Clark calling Gotham a botch queen! ^_^ *cuddles him* So perfect.
*grin* It's one of those touches that I was the same way: "Nah, he'd never...well, actually, I can totally see it." :)
Clark and Gotham have a prickly relationship. *grin* He means it only as the highest of compliments, of course. *grin*
I, too, like that symmetry of the paper frog. The poor doc thought it was nothing but you remember the kindnesses at such a terrible time when you bury your parents.
I do like Clark's warmth and understanding, just what Bruce needs.
And Pamela's experiments are a great foreshadowing! :)
I debated whether keeping it was plausible, but I think almost anyone--and especially a child as intense, traumatized, and bright as Bruce--would remember and cherish kindnesses done to them on such a day.
I'm having a lot of fun with Pamela, can you tell? *grin* She's very enjoyable...
I like how Bruce kept the origami frog (not that anyone didn't see it coming), but still it's nice.
*grin* I know, it's one of those moments where you know it's coming but it's still nice to see it done, one hopes. ;)
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