
FIC: A Dance for Two (co-written with Arch_Schatten)

Jan 07, 2008 16:24

Title:  A Dance for Two
Characters/Pairings: Superman/Batman
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Summary:  When Batman takes a Kryptonite bullet, Superman can't get close to him--in more ways than one.
Word count:  6600
Notes:  Co-written with
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superman/batman, fic, co-write

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Comments 77

undomielregina January 7 2008, 08:10:28 UTC
Oh wow, you have no idea how much hardcore h/c pushes my buttons. That was so pretty, if pretty is really the right word for someone else's pain. All that stoic Batman and self-sacrificing Superman is just perfect.


jij January 7 2008, 13:46:57 UTC
That was so pretty, if pretty is really the right word for someone else's pain.

*grin* It's always so hard to figure out how to compliment h/c for me! I know just what you mean, though...arch_schatten walked me through the h/c with panache and her hand-holding really helped me slow down and focus--usually I tend to rush desperately through such scenes... :)

We've agreed that Bruce is on his best behavior when unconscious or on the brink of it. :) Glad you enjoyed!


arch_schatten January 10 2008, 04:13:45 UTC
*jumps in* Oh, h/c is all that seems to run through my brain some days, I have to tame it! Making the pain pretty, I gotta say, is all because you can put Jen and a story and not make it turn pretty :P I'm so glad you enjoyed! (also, believe nothing of this so called 'enduring with panache and hand holding' during h/c. I had to do neither of them :P)


yamheads January 7 2008, 10:18:02 UTC
This is why Bruce and Clark are meant to be together.

That is all.

Or not! Squee, this was so excellent. Soooo good. *flails* You guys wrote a gorgeous story!


jij January 7 2008, 13:48:34 UTC
*flails* Thank you! I couldn't have done it without Mina, my h/c instincts are terrible! I'm glad you liked the results... :)


arch_schatten January 10 2008, 04:21:54 UTC
Girl, do you know how hard it is to get your mail? plenty hard!

...I'm so glad you liked the story, Yaz! It was so much fun to play with Jen and Dan, I would have never done it on my own.. I need a steady hand and a firm voice to keep me from sidetracking! damn bunnies! *huuugs*


dm_wyatt January 7 2008, 16:02:47 UTC
I loved this, I usually like Clark hurt/comfort but the pickle you put them into put them both into pain and they had some serious obstacles to try and overcome.

And the descriptions of Bruce's drug-induced hallucinations were terrific and them making him feel better about the affects he has on Clark was touching and sweet...

Awesome job!


jij January 8 2008, 07:03:25 UTC
I usually like Clark hurt/comfort but the pickle you put them into put them both into pain and they had some serious obstacles to try and overcome.

Hehehe, I wanted to hurt Clark, Mina wanted to hurt Bruce, and...we compromised and hurt them both! Yay!

And the descriptions of Bruce's drug-induced hallucinations were terrific and them making him feel better about the affects he has on Clark was touching and sweet...

*purrs* That was so my favorite part of the story--which I can say without blushing as I had nothing to do with it! :) The jumbled senses really were so evocative...


arch_schatten January 10 2008, 04:24:32 UTC
Woot! I love that in h/c, it always seems like the one hurt is the less *hurt*, since the other is agonizing.. so we made them take turns to agonize over the other! lol, it was so much fun :)

I'm really happy you liked the synesthesia! I have great love for it, and it seemed like a good way to get them to smooch :P Thanks for reading!


cathedral_junki January 7 2008, 16:08:35 UTC
That was really great! Batman preforms own surgery. Nice.


jij January 8 2008, 07:04:55 UTC
Batman is a badass self-doctor here, thanks to arch_schatten. Clark just holds the mirror and shivers, rather like I did whenever I read it. :)


arch_schatten January 10 2008, 04:28:06 UTC
LOL, you're totally insane. Super handyman does more than hold mirrors. Like. If he wasn't shivering, Batman wouldn't perform surgery, and then we would have no story, and I'm not going to start to read Master and Commander slash to satisfy my self surgery h/c needs! :P

*hugs* My day improved muchly! I'm happy! sort of! bweee!


jij January 10 2008, 08:26:40 UTC
If he wasn't shivering, Batman wouldn't perform surgery, and then we would have no story, and I'm not going to start to read Master and Commander slash to satisfy my self surgery h/c needs! :P

Yay for Clark! He enables the story by being incapable! :)

(I have to resist the temptation to respond to all your responses! Holy Inflated Comment Count, Batman! *grin* But I'm glad your day went better! Mine was...awful! Blah! But at least I'm home and snarking up a storm with Dan...)


smgriffin January 7 2008, 17:55:52 UTC
Oh God, Clark is as squeamish as I am with stitching up someone they love. I don't mind stabbing things, hitting people, or hell, causing PAIN for pain's sake, but surgery and stitches give me the willies, even though I consciously KNOW it's for the better.

Well, I stitched up Brandon fine, but I hated him and would purposely jab him in random places to make him shut up.


jij January 9 2008, 09:05:49 UTC
Oh God, Clark is as squeamish as I am with stitching up someone they love.

Man, stitches make me feel faint. There's something about the...deliberateness of them that really makes me woozy, I think. :) Clark and I agree on this one.


arch_schatten January 10 2008, 04:30:12 UTC
Stitches are... weird. I think it's the piercing of the flesh that undoes me.. cutting, okay, but piercing? -_o eee

Poor Clark.. I loved his reaction to Bruce's casual 'how harder it can be?' Jen writes such and awesome woobie Clark!


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