I just read three stories in a gulp and haven't had time to comment on them, but wanted to put up the links for the second week!
Fewer fics this week, but the ones posted tended to be longer, which makes perfect sense. Fantastic Hurt/Comfort, Cozy domesticity, and some very sizzling sex all combine to make a happy, happy Jen.
Most Impressive Fight and Rescue Scenes:
Invincible by
arch_schatten. Superman and Batman battle the forces of Apokolips and contemplate their relationship. Stunning battle sequence, incredibly sexy imprisonment sequence, and two soul mates realizing they're meant to be together. *sighs*
Best Non-Superpowered AU Based on a Hitchcock Movie:
Arise by
jen_in_japan. A retelling of "Vertigo" with Clark and Bruce in the main roles.
Best Hurt/Comfort:
Until the Sun Bless You Again by
rai_daydreamer. Art with a severely hurt Superman being cared for by Batman, a beautiful, moving example of what's appealing about hurt/comfort in art and stories.
Most Adorable:
The Surprise Wedding by
starsandsea. Out of the blue, Bruce asks Clark to marry him. Understated, humorous, and designed to reduce one to mush.
Sweetest Domestic Scenes:
Heartland II: Apple Pie, Pumpkins, Popcorn, And The Bluebird Of Happiness by
bradygirl_12. Clark and Bruce travel with Dick to Smallville for their first visit as an openly gay couple. The first chapter is a wonderful look at life at the Kent's, and Bruce's reactions to coming to visit as their son's boyfriend. Warm and cozy as a cup of hot chocolate.
Sexiest Bomb Disarming EVAH:
Ten Things that Go "Boom" by
harmless_one... Superman enlists Bruce's help in disarming a bomb. I'm sorry, my brain is entirely offline at the image of Bruce disarming a bomb in a sweaty (and increasingly stripped-off) tuxedo. Oh my God...
Hottest Confession:
A Worse Time by
ladybugkay. Clark picks an inopportune time to tell Bruce he loves him. I have to say, Clark's confession of love for Bruce had me squirming madly in my seat from a combination of glee, embarrassment for him, and...other reactions prompted by how incredibly sexy a desperately babbling Clark is.
So endeth Week Two! I promise I'll get to commenting on those last three stories very soon with the scrambled babblings of delight they deserve, but I wanted to make sure they made the list.