Title: Silken Ropes of Sound
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Kal
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Notes: A stand-alone story in the series "Music of the Spheres." Other stories and notes on the series
here.Rating: PG
Summary: Bruce is at a party while Kal listens in from the Fortress.
Word Count: 1,100
Spires of crystal
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Comments 66
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Well, I won't call attention to it if you don't. :)
*resists the urge to jump and down and yell "teh_no commented on my fic!"*
Glad you liked it!
So sweet.
I love that Clark listens all the time to Bruce, needing the comforting familiarity of the sounds of his breathing and talking and even his teeth grinding...
LOL, I can imagine Clark thinking to himself, "Ah, the adorable way he grinds his teeth! How I love it" :)
Glad you enjoyed! I love writing Kal in the Fortress, for some reason...
I think wwhat really struck me about this piece was how evocotive you could be simply describing the sounds. it's an unusual perspective to take but you pulled it off very well.
Typo: twice in the year and a half
Aw! *blushes* Um, happy to oblige?
And I'm impressed that Clark resisted flying over there and smacking that floozy. :D Really, the self-control of both of them is astounding, that always impresses me even more than their powers.
*nods* There is, under all of Kal's insecurity about many things, a sort of bedrock certainty about their relationship that I find endearing and reassuring. I'm glad that comes across as well!
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