These last scans are from All-Star Superman 6--I haven't read the rest of the run because I'm waiting to buy the hardcover (I cheat often enough and download comics that when I do love them I like to pay for them). I really don't want to post much from this one because I definitely don't want to spoil the story, but suffice to say it's about life and death, fathers and sons, despair and hope--and it's just gorgeous.
It's also about the Superman Squad, which I'm suddenly very much in love with.
The Superman Squad is apparently a team of Supermen/women from at least the year 85,000 (they mention elsewhere they're fighting a villain in the year 500,000 though.) Without giving too much of the story away (which will involve a little fudging on my part--those of you who've read it will, I hope, forgive me), I'll show you some glimpses of the Squad when Clark meets them in Smallville:
I'll note, apropros of nothing much, that Kal is actually incorrect about his birthdate. :) The hardcover fixes it to the year 85,000.
Eeek! A 5th-dimensional Superman! *squees and wants to hug Klyzyzyk*
The four Supermen battle the Chronovore successfully, and Clark gets to meet the founder of the Superman Squad, who gives him a gift in honor and memory of Jonathan Kent.
*stares at those last panels again*
That's so...very...beautiful. I forgive Quitely every chin.
Fic will come of these scans. Oh yes, it will.