Title: 36 Views of Mt. Fuji: Summer (1/9)
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Disclaimer: The boys belong to DC and to each other, but not to me.
Series Notes: 36 Views of Mt. Fuji is a series set early in Batman and Superman's careers, shortly after the S/B annual #1. The full series can be found
here.Rating: PG
Summary: It's a sultry summer night in Gotham
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Comments 57
I have been WAITING for this! I love this series and this is an amazing part. I love Superman watching over them and his obvious desire.
Just great!
"Don't be so damn contrary, Kal."
Oh Bruce, I think only Clark would have the patience not to smack you for that one.
Batman made a dismissive noise that seemed to categorize Superman as "alien: motivations uncertain"
He had discovered he could get off just replaying the sound of Batman sighing in exasperation in his mind
Oh that's hilarious, it makes Clark's crush so sweet and absurd. Swooning over Bruce being an asshole, that's fantastic.
It's...one of the most romantic moments in this series so far to me! That he'd be willing to have Clark as a safeguard in his own city--he's obviously very attached to both of them by now.
Oh Bruce, I think only Clark would have the patience not to smack you for that one.
Batman? Hypocritical? Never! :)
Swooning over Bruce being an asshole, that's fantastic.
It's what makes Batman Batman, so how can he not love it? *grins more* I really always love the image of Clark loving cussedness in both his canon and slash pairings. It seems so fitting for him.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting, I'm grinning with glee!
Omigod, I love you, Jen! :)
Bruce asking Clark to watch over Dick on his first night! The description of that first battle, oh, my. Dick's brightness and quickness followed by Bruce's darkness.
Clark listening to their heartbeats! Yes!
Batman saying something to the thugs after Robin has left. *snickers* Naturally I noticed that the idiot who pulled the gun on Robin got knocked around a little harder than the rest. Watch out, scum, when you hurt Robin, you're in big trouble!
And the little exchange between Bruce and Clark. Wonderful, just wonderful!
Clark getting off in the sky! LOL!
Absolutely fantastic fic, Jen!
Curses, flounderings, and the boy was joined by a dark form, black silk rippling, like a shadow cast by the bright child,: excellent!
"Tell your buddies when you see them in prison--it's Batman and Robin now!"
Oh, yeah! ;)
Eeee! I was hoping you'd like Robin in this one. *looks relieved*
Batman saying something to the thugs after Robin has left. *snickers* Naturally I noticed that the idiot who pulled the gun on Robin got knocked around a little harder than the rest. Watch out, scum, when you hurt Robin, you're in big trouble!
Bruce almost keeled over when they pulled out the gun, poor man. Even with Superman keeping an eye on him!
I was really taken with the image of Batman as a shadow cast by Robin, so I had a lot of fun with that. Robin's first night out! I had to put it at the beginning because I think relations may be...strained between Clark and Bruce at the end of this arc, so maybe no night at the Manor! :(
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
*yay* whispers.
I'm so happy to be back in this universe too! Oh, the UST! *happy UST dance with no bosses to tell her to sit down*
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