since everyone talks about global warming these days, i guess i should hop on the bandwagon.
HUMAN ACTIVITY HAS NO NOTICABLE AFFECT ON CLIMATEbut pollution is still a problem. i must add. i think that's the thing we should be most worried about
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Both sides have pretty good points. On one side, scientists who think global warming is 100% caused by humans aren't going about it very scientifically, because we haven't had historical weather records the last time there was such a warm period.
Also, no one fully understands the cycle of the sun either, and while it probably isn't what's causing all these problems, no one can deny that the next sun cycle will be the one where we see more activity than ever before in the sun's corona.
Though, like you said, pollution is a huge problem. CO2 levels are higher right now than they have EVER been (according to ice core samples), which is definitely a worrying issue, but there isn't even fool proof evidence that it will correlate with warming weather.
The stupid thing about this entire issue is that if you support the idea that human actions aren't effecting climate change, then people automatically assume that it means that something shouldn't be done about pollution, etc.
it seems like very few real scientists are actually involved in all the political debates. and all the enviromentalists are just sheep that take the bad parts and totally warp the issue.
CO2 is only a part of the global gas emissions. methane plays a big role. but its NEVER talked about. why? because 20% of methane gas emissions is cow farts.
and the enviromentalists want to save the cows too.
But overall who knows what to make of it really. In this case, as many, we will not fully understand until it plays out, or we have totally figured out how the world works haha.
that's not how it works
people with money support those scientists who they think are worthy to support.
if a scientist has a grand idea but doesn't have the money to research then nothing will get done.
if the funded scientist finds something, the person with money usually represents them and puts their hypothesis into the media. and geez. the media really likes to pick and choose.
it's kind of like when really bad bands get represented alot through the media. because the people in their high chairs are all like "well. i dont know. this sounds interesting. i think people will like this. do you like this? if you do, then i do."
and now corporations are getting pressured into being apart of the global warming phenomenon. if they say they don't agree with it then their completely looked down upon by EVERYONE.
corporations suck for the most part. but they should be allowed to decide whether they agree with something or not.
this scientist was barely funded. why? i dont know. that's why i think there's some huge conspiracy going down here. but that might be just a little far fetched...
And yeah, I guess a lot of scientists are funded and propped up like that. I was mainly thinking about the Internet, because I think the way the Internet works hysteria can be spread really easily, and you don't even need to fund those scientists...
I just wish there were harsher crimes for scientists lying to the public. Also, there should be an easy way of looking up a scientist's credentials, because I bet quite a few of the scientists on *both* sides of this issue have some shady educational records...
But either way, what do you think it all comes down to? I guess it would be hard to find a conclusion to anyone's thoughts on this subject, haha.
i have a theory.
some scientist was like "the earth is warming! the earth is polluted! how can i tie these two together?"
and blamed it on all the kids who produce alot of CO2, got all their enviromentalist friends to go along with the idea and ganged up on the cars and stuff.
NOW, people in high places are supporting the idea that they don't know that much about only to give themselves a good name. these people being politicians, CEOs, etc.,
the media taps into this. they think their being noble by supporting enviromental crap without doing much research into it. they encourage the bullying of the kids who don't believe in humans affecting the weather. they tell everyone that THE EARTH IS WARMING. like the temperature hasn't fluctuated before humans came to the earth.
and so basically, everyone isn't being given the whole story. the big heads at companies have found ways of making money from selling crap that will help stop climate change. there's mass hysteria that were all gonna die; stuff they've pulled on people before in the 80s or something, i don't know much about it because i wasn't born.
but anyways, now it's come down to a profit based phenomenon. take a look at this ridiculous invention,
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